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"Hey. How are you feeling?" I said as I walked  towards Cyril, lying in his hospital bed. His head turned immediately and a smile lit his face when he saw me. His left hand lay on his stomach while his right hand stretched out to me.

"Hey..I'm better. What about you?" he asked with a smile.

I walked towards him and we held hands "Your health is more important, trust me. I wanted to stay with you last night,but my dad-"

Cyril interrupted me "Hey..hey..don't worry about it alright? You're here now, I appreciate it"

"I appreciate you saving me Cyril..honestly" I confessed.

"I barely did..stop flattering me" he let out a small laugh and immediately winced in pain afterwards as he held unto his lower torso.

"Oh shit! Sorry" I put both my hands over his gently.

"They gave me some pills for the pain but.."

"Still hurts..I get it. You just need more rest. Have you eaten?" I asked.

"I remember asking you to play doctor once and you bounced me, now you want to play" he joked.

"Ah..that was different and you and I both know it" I laughed.

"When am I getting out of here Doctor K?" He asked me.

"In a few days I'm sure. Why?"

"I want to leave. No offense..but I hate the smell of hospitals" he confessed.

"None taken. You'll leave soon enough don't worry" I told him. Just then, my phone rang, it was Harry.

"Hey, I'll be back" I said to him before leaving the room to stand on the corridor.

"Harry hi" I replied in a chirpy voice.

"Babe.. I missed hearing your voice. You didn't pick up last night, I was worried"

"Uh..actually, something happened...but it's not really important, I'm okay" I reassured.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Uh..my friend and were attached by an armed robber last night..he..my friend was stabbed but he's okay..I'm at the hospital with him right now" I explained.

"Are you sure you're okay Rena?" He asked,his voice laced with concern.

I nodded like he could see me"Yeah, I promise"

"I'm glad to hear that.I actually wanted to tell you I'd be coming back sooner than planned "

"Really? How soon?" I got excited.


"Oh my God!" I exclaimed, causing heads to turn in annoyance. Woah cool down people, I'm sorry.

Harry laughed"I can't wait to see you, to hug you, to ki-"

"Me too!" I interrupted cheerfully.

"Will you come to the airport to meet me?"

"I don't think my dad will let me. He wants me to stay home for some time..he's gotten a little paranoid because of the attack you know.."I explained to him.

"Yeah, I get it don't worry. I'll probably land in the evening so I'll just go to bed"

"Call me as soon as you land okay?"

"No problem. Okay..I have to go..I'll call you in the evening okay?"

"And I'll be sure to pick up. Don't come back with another baby momma" I joked.

"Cold..that's cold girl" he laughed before hanging up.

A smile remained on my lips even after putting my phone in my pocket after the phone call. I walked back into Cyril's room.

"Wow..your boy got you smiling like that? I've got to take some lessons on how to make a girl smile like that. I mean,that caught my eye..like literally" he rubbed his right eye like he had something in it.

"Shut upppp"I laughed harder.

"Telling the truth" he shrugged. "Anyways, the nurse came back when you left and told me I'd be discharged tomorrow afternoon"

"I'll be here tomorrow too then" I said with a huge smile." You don't mind,do you?"

"Of course not. You can meet my parents too..if you want.."he suggested.

"Sure,no problem. I think I saw then leaving when I was coming in..Cecil was with them..looking fine as ever " I bit my bottom lip. I loved teasing him so much and it was worth it-- the look on his face was priceless.

"We have the same face woman! Nah nah...you want to stress me but nah..the devil is a liar " he shook his head dramatically.

I laughed even harder.

"Cyril.." I started, a hand was over my mouth to prevent the laughter as I sat on the chair by his bed and the other took his left hand.

"No no..get thee behind me." He exclaimed in mock fear.

"You're unbelievable" I laughed.

Just then, a sharp knock sounded on the door and a tall, beautiful girl with a short straight weave in a short,tight dress entered the room.

"Sorry to interrupt." She looked from me to him to me again and to our fingers that were intertwined and had an unreadable expression on her face. I detached my hand from his..I don't know, but her stare made me do it.

"Cecil told me what happened and I came as soon as I could" she told him.

"Thank you Iris..for being here" He told her as she walked over to the other side of the bed. She put one hand in Cyril's outstretched palm and the other on his chest.

"Iris, this is Serena, my friend. Serena, this is Iris, also my friend" Cyril introduced us.

She simply nodded to me with a small smile and waved. I said hey in return. She quickly turned her attention back to him.

"How bad is it? Have you heard back from the doctor" she asked, still caressing his chest.

He nodded "They said it's healing extraordinarily fast and I'll be out of here by tomorrow"

She smiled "Well that's great news" another caress. I was really getting uncomfortable. She slipped off her small purse and put it on the table..I took it that she planned to stay.

"Uhmm...I'll have to leave now..I'll give you two some time to talk" I announced while getting up.

"Uh..okay..I'll see you tomorrow though right?" Cyril asked.

"I wouldn't miss it" I faked a smile and waved before walking out.

Why was that uncomfortable jeez.😑

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