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I fanned myself with the paper outline as I struggled to pay attention to the boring speaker. I had tuned out after a while and started playing it my nails at a point. They were painted light pink. Adjubi and I were at a conference held by the Medical School. It was an opportunity for renowned medical practitioners to share some of their experiences with us and blah blah.

So far, we had had 3 quite old and boring speakers and I was even a little hungry. I nudged Adjubi slightly when I noticed she was slipping into dreamland. She smiled weakly and I pointed subtly to the camera crew that were present. It'd be such an embarrassment to be caught sleeping on camera.

The current speaker ended his speech and a resounding applause followed. The m.c. mounted the podium shortly to introduce the last speaker for the event. He started off by giving a brief profile  and then commented on how impressed he was at his achievements at such a young age blah blah. Finally, he announced that the doctor was none other than Dr. Harry Quaye.

Adjubi turned to look at me and I gave her a tight-lipped smile assuring her that I was okay. Yes, I was a bit surprised but impressed he was speaking at such a huge program. And despite everything, I was still proud of him.

Harry got up from one of the front row seats where he was seated and mounted the podium. He smiled nervously at the crowd and started by greeting cheerfully. He glanced briefly at us and then started his talk. I didn't feel sleepy at all. Not because I knew him but because he was very interactive and didn't rattle off his speech like the others. He actually talked to us. As he was drawing to an end, he looked in my direction and our eyes met for some seconds before he looked away. Sigh.

After the closing prayer, we moved to the buffet section where we were directed to by the m.c.
Adjubi made two cups of cocoa from the dispenser for both of us while I grabbed the chips and rolls.
I noticed Harry had entered the room and was immediately surrounded by students eager to have some questions answered. He kept looking my way from time to time as he hurried through his talk with them. Soon after, he managed to escape and he walked straight up to me.

I got the opportunity to admire him better as he stood in front of me. His body was perfectly fit in the black designer suit he wore and his hair was recently cut, showcasing is side burns . Damn.

He cleared his throat lightly. Jeez, I must have been staring too hard.
I turned around to put my cup down before I spilled its contents.

"Hello ladies" I heard from behind me.
Adjubi responded and I smiled slightly in response.

"May I please borrow your friend for a few minutes?" Harry asked her. Adjubi just muttered a 'sure' and walked away to give us some privacy.

"I liked your talk" I told him and he smiled.

"I'm glad you did. I was hoping you would. How are you?"

"I'm okay. What about you?"

"I'm managing" he shrugged.

I nodded.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"I actually wanted to tell you that I know your little secret" he winked.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What secret?"

"Oh let's just say it involves cars, horns and a couple of barking dogs" he smirked.

My eyes widened and my hands flew to cover my mouth.
"You saw us didn't you?" Shit.

"I saw you...not the person who was driving."

"Are you mad?" I played with my nails.

He laughed showing his set of dimples "I thought it was hilarious..and kind of cute"

I sighed in relief "It was all Yaba's idea I promise. She was going to make me go talk to you and I just couldn't-" I rattled.

"Whoa slow down. Why couldn't you come talk to me?" He asked.

I toyed with my bracelet a bit "I don't know okay?"

"Hey" he glanced around briefly before placing a hand on mine. I rose my eyes to meet his
"You can always talk to me no matter what"

I nodded and was about to reply when his phone vibrated in the inner pocket of his coat. He excused himself to picked up the 'urgent' call.

I managed to catch a few words like ..coming..Dennis..okay..see you

He apologised when he got back and told me he had to leave soon.

"You won't do the photoshoot?" I asked.

"I have some things to take care of. I have to get Den-"

"Your son? Alright I understand. Drive safe" I began to walk away.

Harry held on to my elbow stopping me "Serena come on-"

I turned to face him"No seriously it's fine. It's not even a big deal. Just go do what you have to do" I said in my most matured voice.

"I'll go find Adjubi now" I waved him and walked away leaving him  staring after me.

I found her shortly and we joined a couple of our friends from class to talk to one of the speakers. After the photoshoot, we headed home and I was out the minute my head hit my pillow.

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