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I don't know how long I lay on the floor crying but when I looked around I noticed it was getting quite dark. It was a sharp knock on the door that woke me up. Adjubi must be back.

I sluggishly walked to open the door but got a complete shock when I saw it wasn't her.

"Harry? What are you doing here?" It was barely a whisper.

He frowned "You asked me to come over this Sunday to help with assignment you were having difficulty with. You don't remember? "

"Oh yeah..sorry ...uh come in"

After I shut the door, Harry spoke.

"Serena, have you been crying?" His voice was laced with concern.
I shook my head no. My bottom lip quivered as I remembered the events that took place just hours ago.

"Serena..are you sure? I'm worried about you" he said softly.

I couldn't hold it in anymore. My hands flew around his neck as I hugged him tightly. His hands automatically found their way around my waist gently.My sobs were the only sound that filled the room.

"Let it all out"he encouraged as he rubbed my back gently.

After about 5 minutes, I rose my head slowly from his chest and stepped away.

"I'm so sorry Harry" I told him as I wiped away my tears and fixed myself.

"Don't worry about it Serena. You want to tell me why you're crying?" He asked rubbing my cheek.

I remained quiet.

"If you don't want to tell me, I understand" He assured.

I shook my head "No..I want to tell you..really"

I preceded to tell him about my mom cheating on my dad, making sure to leave the details out.

"Oh shit. I'm so sorry Serena" he had that look in his eyes.

I backed up from him a little"I don't want your pity Harry"

He closed the distance between us
"No no.. it's not pity I promise. I just want to make you feel better"

I sighed.

"Lemme make you feel better" he begged pulling me close so we were basically touching.

I just looked away biting back a smile. Did it just get hot in here?

"Uh..what will make you feel better? Lemme get you some of your favourite icecream?" He smiled charmingly.

"That's sweet Harry, but--"I started to protest.

"No, no..but nothing. I'll be right back". He dashed out of the door before I could argue anymore.

I shook my head and smiled.

About two minutes later a gentle knock sounded at the door. Wow that's was fast.

But it was not Harry.

"Kennedy! Uh..what are you doing here?" Too many surprises in one day!

He smiled. "I was around and decide to stop to see you since it's been a while"

This cannot be happening! Harry's going to be back soon and they'll be at each others throats pretty soon cause they couldn't stand each other.


"Huh?" I must been too engrossed in my thoughts.

"I asked if you were going to invite me in?" He repeated.

I flashed a fake smile and let him in.

"Want anything to drink?" I asked and in response he walked over to me..a little too close and placed his hands on both sides of my waist.

"I missed you so much, it's been forever" he said.

"Oh really?" I asked in amused tone and gently peeled his hands off me."You're really exaggerating ..it's only been a few weeks"

"A few weeks is like eternity for me" he replied as he replaced his hands, this time on my hips.

Before I could reply, the door flung open.

"Oh I'm sorry, I forgot to kno-"
Harry stopped mid sentence when he saw Kennedy and the position we were in.

Oh fml!

I quickly pulled away and rushed to his side."Oh you're back..thank you again-"

"So he's the reason you didn't want me to come in" Ken interrupted.

"Ken, the timing wasn't-" I began to explain.

"What is he doing here?" Harry asked rather calmly.

"He just stopped by to say hi" I assured him.

"Okay..well here's your ice cream..I'll go now" he handed me the rubber bag and turned to go.

"Oh come on Harry, not again" I begged putting a hand on his bicep.

"No let him go..he's a coward always running away from his fights!" Ken barked earning a dirty look from me.

I looked pleadingly into Harry's eyes and he sighed. He bent slightly so he was my height and then whispered into my ear.

"I just wanted to make you feel better. I hope the ice cream does..I'll check up on you later" he kissed my cheek gently and began walking out.

"Yo didn't you hear what I said?!!" Kennedy shouted at him.

Harry stopped in his tracks and glared at him. "The part about me being a coward? I heard, but you see..I don't fight with boys. Sometimes, it's not about you or me, it's just about dignity..and I highly suggest you get yourself some" and with that he left. Adjubi entered just as he left.

"Was that really necessary Ken? " I hissed.

"He just called me a boy and I'm the one who's in the wrong?" He scoffed.

"You know you provoked him!" I retorted.

"Yeah..go ahead and defend him like you always do" Ken replied.

"Kennedy honey, grow up will you?" Adjubi rolled her eyes.

"Can you mind your own business?" He retorted

"Uh..that's kinda hard to do when you're standing in my room" she replied in a bitchy voice.

"Will you two cut it out!?" I semi-yelled. They never got along.

"Serena, I brought food. Could you please ask your friend to leave?" She asked in a polite tone.

"I was just leaving" he replied

"Already?" I asked.

"Yeah..I don't feel comfortable where I'm not needed" Ken said.

"Ken you know it's not like that--" I started

"I'll talk to you later" he cut me off and walked out the door.

Oh crap.

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