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My life? Oh my life was just great!

Oh who am I kidding? Fml.

About two days after all that happened, I passed by my real house to get some things and also to distract myself a little.

I got down from the Uber and started to walk towards the front door. I dragged the under of my sandals on the welcome rug in front of the door before taking in a deep breath and ringing the door bell.

Joy answered the door and looked quite surprised to see me there. I just explained that I was coming for some stuff. She nodded and I preceded to climb up the stairs to my room. I had to pass by Kofi and Riley's rooms before I turned to mine. I was about to turn the door knob when I heard strange sounds coming from my parents' room, well, my dad's room now.

You do not expect an 18 year old medical student not to be curious do you? Well I definitely was!
I mean, Dad was supposed to be at work by now...so how was there noise in the room. Unless, *gasp* a robber? It's broad daylight. Jeez.

Just as a precaution, I grabbed a small vase at the corner of the hallway and took out the flowers, hoping to use that against any intruder. I could at least smash it onto his head.

I approached the door slowly,reached for the knob and flung the door open violently.

"Who's in there!?" I called out. The room was dark as all the curtains were closed but I could still make out two bodies on the king-sized bed. The two bodies jumped in fright upon hearing my voice.
I fumbled to find the light switch by the wall. Finally turning it on, I received the shock of my life!

"Dad! Really? You're in bed with her?" I screamed.
My dad climbed quickly out of the bed in embarrassment while in nothing but boxer shorts while mom covered her naked body with the sheets.
I shock my head in disgust and turned around quickly.

"I'm downstairs and I'm waiting for an explanation!" I slammed the door and marched down to the living room.

So many unexpected surprises! First Harry has a child and now Dad and mom are still doing it. Yuk. I think I'm gonna be sick😩😩

About 5 minutes later, those two descended the stairs slowly in shame. I stared at them from the time they started coming down till they sat across me. Dad wore shorts and a white vest while Mom was in her pink fluffy house coat and her hair was messy. They sat next to each other and his hand lay on her thigh while hers were clasped together in between her thighs.

Dad coughed lightly.

I decided to save him the trouble "How long has this been going on?"

"Let me just start from the beginning and tell you the truth" Dad sighed.

"That's all I want. I'm sick of people keeping secrets from me." I replied eyeing my mother.

"Serena, I wish there was a better explanation for this, but I still love your mother and want to be with her"

My eyebrows shot up in surprise."You do realise she's pregnant right? Is about to give birth to a whole baby that isn't yours!" I couldn't help but shout.

"Watch your tone Serena. Yes I am aware...but I'm willing to look past that. I want to be with your mom and you should know that." Dad told me.

I glared at both of them"So I'm just supposed to smile and say I understand and agree to this?"

"It's not up to you to decide Serena, we've already reached a decision" Mom said.

"Which is what? And your American boyfriend?" I asked.

"What about him?" She asked.

"He came here looking for you the other time when dad was away" I said that hoping it would anger dad.

"I've explained everything to him and he understands. This child, even though was a mistake will not be treated as such. Do I make myself clear? " she warned.

Oh bullshit.

I turned to him
"Dad..you aren't mad that another man came to your house looking for your...jeez I don't know what to call her anymore ..mistress-"

"I'm still your mother Serena and his wife and that won't change" Mom said.

"Ex-wife" I corrected.

Dad cleared his throat. "Wife, Serena"

My eyes widened in surprise.


"We never actually got divorced. We never finished the process. And about William coming here ...I wasn't really away on a business trip. Your mother and I were on a one week trip to a resort were we talked about thing better and patched things up-"

At this point, I had tuned out. Why does everyone have to keep lying to me? Even my own family! All this while, all this while all this was going on right under my nose and I had absolutely no idea at all.

"Serena, I really hope you forgive us for keeping this from you" Mom said softly.

That was when I snapped.

"No, that's where you're wrong! You lied to me! You dad, YOU LIED TO ME!" I pointed an accusing finger at him while standing up.

They both stood
"I knew you wouldn't understand-" he tried to explain

I cut him off"Right, so instead you lied. Lied about your whereabouts, lied about your divorce really?"

"Serena, please understand, we were confused ourselves and we needed to figure things out before we involved you kids into any of our mess" Dad said.

"We were already so deep into this mess. Her mess!"


"And you expect me to ever believe you again? Both or you?" I laughed sarcastically. "Hilarious."

"We never wanted to hurt you" mom said.

"Oh wow. And please stop saying 'we' ..this is all your fault. Kofi is struggling to get over the fact that his mom doesn't have a place in this house anymore and you manage to convince my father to run away with you? Oh wow"

"I've apologised for that but you just won't listen Serena!" Mom screamed.

"So I'm supposed to play with my step-sibling like nothing happened? Braid her hair if it's a girl? Play ball if it's a boy? I can't do that shi-"

"That's enough Serena!" Dad yelled.

I nodded and pursed my lips together"Yeah you're right. I'll leave now"

"No, you'll do something irrational, you're angry" Dad reasoned

"That's where you're wrong." I picked up my purse from the sofa were it lay and stretched to my full height.

I looked him straight in the eye "I'm disappointed"

Question for readers🤗

Do you think Serena is disrespectful? Or she over steps at times?

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