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It was the new year already. The past year really flew by fast,if you ask me. Dad was organising his annual White New Year's party. He hosted it at our house and it was well organised. The main reason I looked forward to the party was because of all the fooodddd😩. Oh yes and also, seeing my whole fam😁. A few of Dad's business associates also attend the party every year.

I ducked behind the pillar as I noticed one of my aunties greeting my dad. I really didn't want her to see me. She was one of those inquisitive aunts that wouldn't ever stop talking. The room was filled with so many expensively dressed relatives and friends of my parents. I saw my siblings talking to some of our cousins in another corner of the room.

I managed to slip into the kitchen without running into any more annoying people. I walked over to the fridge and just then, my annoying older cousin, Ama entered. I groaned internally. I opened the door of the fridge so that my face was covered. I peeped after a while to see that she was just getting a bottle of water. Oh good , just a few minutes and she'll leave.

I decided to keep myself occupied by searching through the fridge for ice cream. To my dismay,I didn't find any. After a few minutes, I figured she was gone and stepped away from my fridge. I started to close the door when someone beat me to it.

I jumped back in fright and looked up to see Harry smiling goofily.

My hands flew to clutch my chest.
"You scared me. Don't ever do that again"

"I'm sorry. But hiding in a fridge isn't really the best way to spend the new year."
He shrugged.

"Pfft I was not hiding in the fridge" I rolled my eyes playfully." What are you doing here anyway?"

"Ouch" he held his hand over his chest like he was hurt.

"You  know what I meant"

"Your dad invited me" he replied.

"Oh okay."

"I don't really know a lot of people here so I was hoping we could hang out? You know, I'm used to these many girls swooning all over me but I suppose they are related to you ..so nahhh" he popped a fake collar.

I hit his shoulder playfully "You're so full of yourself"

"Well you can't look like this and still be humble" he joked.

"I want to give you a knock that'll bring you to your senses right now" I told him.

"Woah woah chill" he laughed.

"I like the party..do you?" I changed the topic.

"You just like the food ..after all you are running away from your relatives" he stated.

"Yes you caught me Sherlock Holmes. But it's only some of them I don't want to deal with right now."I told him.

"Anyways, you look nice" he complimented me. I was wearing an all white flare dress that ended a little above my knees.

"Thank you. You look nice yourself" I replied.

"Merci beaucoup. So are we really going to hang out in the kitchen?" He asked.

"We?" I rose an eyebrow and tried to control the smile that was fighting to appear on my lips.

"Yeah we." He smirked. "I mean if that's okay with you. I really don't want to make things weird or anyth-"

"Stop talking" I smiled. "Of course I'd like us to hang out..for old times sake"


Our little moment was interrupted by the sound if Harry's phone ringing. He mouthed an 'I'm sorry' and picked up the call.

Immediately the person at the other end started talking he said,
"Woah slow down Lisa"

Lisa. Just Great☺

"Oh God..is he alright?" He exclaimed.
After listening for a few more minutes, he said "Calm down Lisa,everything will be alright, I'm on my way"

With that he hung up.

"Why what's wrong?" I questioned immediately he hung up.

"There was an accident. Dennis wasn't wearing a sear belt and he's badly injured. I have to get to the hospital right now." He said hurriedly.

"Oh God. I'm sorry I hope he's okay" I said sincerely.

"Me too. I have to go. Tell your d-"

I interrupted him. "Don't worry just go. I'll tell my dad". I felt truly sad for him. His whole mood was ruined because of the news he received. I closed the distance between us,stood on my toes and placed a soft friendly kiss on his cheek. "Everything will be alright. Go be with your son"

He nodded and left the room.

After he left, I went to find my father. I guess my luck had run out, because the moment I stepped out of the kitchen, I almost collided with the aunt I was running away from earlier. I immediately plastered a fake smile on my face and began answering her questions, that is, after her suffocating bear hug.

I managed to escape after some minutes with the excuse if going to the washroom. I found Dad talking to some friends and with Mom around his arm. I could tell the smile on her face was as fake as her lashes. She was obviously bored. They probably were just talking about sports or business so I decided to do some good and rescue her from them.

I approached the group with a big smile on my face.
"Excuse me, sorry to interrupt but Aunty Vivian was looking for Mom" I lied through my teeth.

I noticed Mom sigh in relief. She excused herself and we turned to leave. Just then, one of Dad's friends said. "You're the one studying medicine right?"

I stopped in my tracks and faced them again. It was no use pretending I hadn't heard him.
So, I replied politely "Yes please"

"Oh good. I hope you're studying hard?" He asked.

I cast Mom a glance and she gave me a small smile as if to say good luck and then she walked away.

"Yes please. I'm trying my best" I told him.

"That's good. You must always work hard to become great like your fa-"

Looks like my own plan backfired. Now it's my turn to suffer.

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