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Vacation!!! I really needed a break ughh! Anyways..Harry and I are officially dating now after he proposed in the most romantic way ever. Just thought I should mention that😂

One day...

I lay down in one of the sofas watching KUWTK downstairs when the doorbell rang. I slipped into my Puma slides and got up to go check who was at the door.

A  tall,handsome white man stood at the door. He looked like he was in his 40s and his body was still well toned ..I could see he kept in good shape. He had shades on and was in a simple black shirt with Nike shoes. He just stared at me.

"Uhh..can I help you?" I asked.

"Well..yes. um..I believe the woman I'm looking for is your mother" he spoke up.

"Well she no longer lives here. She moved out quiet a long time ago" I replied and attempted to close the door.

But he stopped me. "Have you at least heard from her?"

"Nope..you can leave now" I told him bluntly. Get some manners. You don't even bother to greet or introduce yourself...you're white so what?

"Serena--" he began.

"How do you know my name?" I interrupted.

He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Well my name is William. You might not know me but uhh..I know you..all of you actually. I'm-- "

"You! You're him..you're the man my mom cheated with on my father!" I cut him again..this time in a harsh tone.

"I'm sorry if you see it like tha-"

"Like what huh? Like what it is?" I barked giving another one of my infamous eye rolls.

"What's all that noise? Who's at the door?" Riley asked coming up to us.

"The mystery man decided to pay us a visit" I scoffed and folded my hands over my chest.

"What do you want here" she asked him rather calmly.

"I just wanted to know if you've heard from your mom. She left home about three days ago and hasn't returned since." He repeated. HOME

"Well it's not our fault you can't keep tabs on your woman who left home" I retorted. I swear this man was bringing out the brat in me.

"Serena, it's okay" Riley said to me and then turned back to him. "Well we haven't seen or heard from her so I suggest you leave" Riley said pointing to his car before shutting the door.

"Damn! I wanted to be the one to slam the door in his face" I whined.

She laughed a little. "Ah! The nerve of that man!" She sucked her teeth.

"I know right! He's lucky dad wasn't home or was the one to open the door. I agreed. "Anyways, speaking of dad, when is he coming back?" I asked.

She shrugged "He said in a few days"

"But why did she have to disappear and him come here now..when we were moving on..." I complained.

"Don't worry about it lil sister. Lemme fix us something to eat I'm starving" she grumbled.

"Fat pig"I teased.

"Oh no you didn't!" She threatened and charged after me. I took to my heels as I feared for my life. I was half way up the stairs when she yelled.

"Your stupid ass ain't getting any kelewele!" Oh shit.

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