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Everyone says medical school is stressful ..because IT IS. Midsem exams were coming up and I was preparing feverishly. Haven't had time to chill or pamper my self at the salon or anything. Streesssssssss..

"Are you done with the topic?" Harry asked, looking up from the football match he was watching. I was at his house studying on the Saturday before one of my tests.

"Almosttt"I replied as I flipped the last but one page of the topic. I was at the dining area while he was in the hall.

"Okay lemme get the snacks ready" he said and got up to retrieve them.

"Time's up" he told me when he got back.

"Ohhh one minute"I begged while trying to finish the topic.

"Love, if I keep giving you one minute we'll never finish" he explained while shutting my book.

"Fineee" I said and followed him to the hall. We sat down on one of the sofas and I propped my legs unto his laps while getting comfortable.

"Alright..let's start. Collective name for the bones in the ear" he asked.

"Easy ..ossicles" I said effortlessly.

"Good" he praised and put a biscuit in my mouth.

"Fluids in the inner ear"

"Endolymph and perilymph" I answered earning me another biscuit.

"I control body balance"

"Eustachian tube"

We went on asking and answering the questions until they were done.

"So why exactly are you fretting Serena...you've learnt enough" Harry asked.

"I've just got to push myself really hard" I told him quietly.


"Because I need to do well enough so I don't disappoint my dad..well may family."

"Don't you think you're putting too much pressure on yourself?" He asked looking concerned.

"Well I sure do feel a lot of pressure to do well. I mean look at my family...my dad is a successful business man..my mom's a lawyer..my sister is almost a banker..and that's a family I love but sometimes I feel so much pressure ... " I trailed off.

"If you put too much pressure on yourself you could break down and I don't think they would want that..I wouldn't want that. Just do your best love" he advised as he ran his hands along my legs.

"Yes, but it's not so easy. I mean I'm really tired of that phrase ....I mean what does it even mean 'do your best'" I asked in frustration.

"Well..make sure you give all you've got..don't hold back" he replied.

"But what if all you've got is just not enough?" I asked.

Harry took my hands in his and yanked it gently so I could look at him.

"You really like holding my hands" I joked to get some of the frustration out.

"Yeah cos I feel like I'm talking directly to your heart. Plus they're soft" he shrugged. "Like I was saying...stop stressing okay. You've learnt..the rest is on God. You trust that He'll help you right?" He asked.

I nodded. "Then that's all you need."

"Where did I find you?" I asked him.

"If that's your funny way of saying thank you, then you're welcome" he smiled.

"Seriously..thank you. I think I'm calmer now" I told Harry.



"I should really become a therapist I mean I seem to give great advice to women" Harry commented proudly.

"Oh so I'm not your only client huh?" I asked, very intrigued.

He realised what he had just said and looked like he wanted to take his words back "On come on Serena I didn't meant that"

"Mhm" I feigned anger by taking my feet of his laps and getting up.

Harry quickly followed suit by getting up too.

"Nice to know my boyfriend is organising free therapy sessions for other women..oh great great" I said sarcastically.

Harry wrapped his arms around me securely and whispered into my ear. "Love, I just give other women advice when I can but you're my woman you know that  " I know he would have winked if I was facing him and that thought and his words made me smile uncontrollably.

I turned to face him slowly "Mhm?"

"Mhm" he assured. "You know it. Now let's get back to studying. Next topic"

"You know,I really appreciate you helping me" I told him.

"You remember what I said earlier?" He asked.

"Yeah" I replied.

"What did I say?" He asked.

"You're my woman" I replied in a manly voice trying to sound like him.

"Oh please I do not sound like that" he scoffed in disbelief.

"Yes you do" I argued.

"No I don't. My voice is sexy" he replied.

"Pttf boy pleaseee"I laughed.

"Ouch" he feigned hurt.

I smiled sweetly and announced "I'm hungryyyy"

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