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After exams, we had a break. When we were almost two weeks into it,Harry invited me to be his plus one to his cousin's wedding. I was a bit nervous..I would definitely be meeting his family and I didn't know how it would be..how they'll receive me and everything. Harry assured me on several occasions that they'd love me.

On the Friday before the wedding, we set off to Kumasi were his cousin's side's official family house was. We had both packed enough clothes for the weekend and he picked me up from my house around 9 am so we could get to Kumasi before dark and he could show me around.

The road trip was really fun. We'd talk, take snaps, stop at restaurants so we could eat a little and he could catch some rest, after all it was an over 3 hours drive there. It was during this trip that I learnt Harry was a very good rapper😂.

Driving up the hill, I couldn't help but be in awe of the house that sat on top of it. It was a beautiful huge house that was painted cream and had a nicely decorated wall around it. After driving through the gates, we got down and grabbed our suitcases from the trunk of Harry's car before he rang the bell.

A woman in her mid-forties, I think opened the door and pulled Harry into a hug with a huge smile on her face "Kofiii!! Welcome welcome. How are youuuu?" She asked excitedly after letting him go.

"Aunty Vee I'm fine thank you. How are you too?" He asked politely with a smile.

"Er..I'm coping. You kids have left me here all alone without coming to visit me-" she paused noticing me for the first time. "Harry darling who is this?" She asked with a smirk dancing on her lips.

Without waiting for him to answer, she continued "Oh come in, come in. A pretty girl like you shouldn't be standing in the sun" She pulled me into the house while Harry chuckled behind me.

After bringing our things in and closing the door, Harry finally  got to answer her. "Yes aunty, this is my girl, Serena." His aunt smiled warmly. He turned to me "Serena, this is my aunt, Aunty Vee, Gerald's mother" I returned her smile and gave a small wave. "Nice to meet you"

"Aw sweetheart nice to meet you too. I see why he doesn't come and visit me when he has you in Accra. You're much more beautiful than any other girl he's brought here." she joked. "The last one...er the one with a weave that was sweeping the floor..was so rude..what was her name again?" Aunty Vee asked Harry,who looked like he'd rather not be having this conversation.

"Ewurakua?" He asked.

She nodded vehemently. "Yes yesss. I couldn't wait for her to leave" she admitted with a laugh.

So I was not the only girl who's been here? Ofc not ..come on..he's old enough to bring girls home ..why'd you think you'd be the first? I don't feel so special anymore.

"Aunty we'd like to get settled in and I'll show her around before it's dark so we'll be going now " Harry told her, completely changing the topic.

We talked a little and then she showed us to our room. Harry and I were sharing a room..something I hadn't planned on but a well *shrug.

I threw myself onto the bed in exhaustion while Harry wheeled in our suitcases. He had insisted on doing it alone..who am I to argue. He put them by the dresser and took off his shoes before joining me on the bed, both of us facing the ceiling. He looked pretty exhausted too.

"You look tired Harry. Why don't you rest instead of us going touring?" I suggested as I watched him struggle to keep his eyes open.

"Nah..I promised I would" he insisted.

"You're tired ...let's do it another time..maybe Sunday ..before we head back?" I asked.

He sighed and rolled over to face me and I did the same. "You sure? I don't want to ruin your fun"

I nodded." We could just spend some time together before you go off with Gerald and his friends for his bachelor party all night. After all..I won't see you again till the wedding time"

He smiled "Just say you'll miss me"

I hit his shoulder playfully "Merhn I spend time on campus without you, I think I can manage"

I called my parents to let them know I was safe and we had reached the place. My dad was a bit apprehensive about the trip but it was my mom who convinced him to let me go. These are the times I thank God she's mixed..she didn't grow up in the strict Ghanaian household like my dad. Wait..I thank God she's mixed everyday😂..I mean look at this fine skin I inherited ...whattttt!😂😍

I got off the bed and headed towards the adjoining bathroom to freshen up. Harry looked up from his phone when I re-entered the room.

"The boys are picking me up around 6pm" he told me

"So I'll be alone in this big house with some of your family members which I barely know?" I asked.

He chuckled lightly "Oh trust me they'll get to know you. Even if they have to force you to talk, they will. Why you acting all shy and stuff all of a sudden?"

"Well I want to give a good impression, I guess..I mean look at how your aunt described your last girl" I explained causing him to roar in laughter.

"Chill..they'll like you" he assured me.

We ended up laying on the bed and talking and laughing for like an hour. Soon enough, he had to get dressed because he was going out in a few minutes.

Sitting on the side of the bed, Harry fastened his expensive looking watch on his left wrist and asked me to take a pair of socks from the bottom drawer of the dresser. I walked towards the dresser, squatted by it and opened the drawer to search for the socks. I lifted a few folded clothes as I searched for them. My right hand came into contact with a small box. It was an opened pack of condoms. My mind immediately began to run wild after I processed what I was holding.

Really? A pack of condoms? Wow..
Of course I knew he was no virgin but it was kinda weird that I was finding it in his drawer..I mean he's brought girls here before..what if they d-

My thoughts were interrupted when Harry asked if I had found them yet. I turned slowly on my heel still in a crouch position. Immediately after his question I found a pair and threw it at him. He frowned after catching it and stared at me. "Why what's up?"

I shook my head,got up quietly and started to walk to my side of the bed. Shortly after, he facepalmed and muttered a low "oh shit" . He must have realised why I was acting like that...well can you blame me?

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