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"2 months!" I couldn't help but exclaim. I got up suddenly from the bed  I was currently sitting on after Harry just revealed to me that he would be leaving the country and staying there for 2 months.

Harry sighed as he took of his watch and put it on the dresser. "I wish it could be two weeks or something but the hospital insists on thorough and intense training..meaning more time to do so" he explained.

"But two months is too much time. I'm not going to see you for two whole months Harry" I collapsed back onto the bed.

He walked over to me and pulled me up into a sitting position and knelt on the floor in front of me while taking my hands in his. "Hey hey, it's not that bad. It'll just be long distance sort of..I'll be back before you know it..I promise"

I shook my head vehemently. "When are you leaving?"


"And you decide to tell me now Saturday!?"

"I didn't know how to..I promised, I wanted to"

"You know what? I'm going to bed,I'm tired" I detached my hands from his,got up and moved away from him, remembering to grab the bag with my essentials before entering the bathroom.
I took my shower and brushed my teeth and wore my pjs before coming out. Harry had left the room when I went back in. I plugged my phone in to charge and went straight to bed. Don't get me wrong, the whole time I was doing all these, my mind kept replaying the conversation between Harry and I. So many thoughts about what would and could happen.

Minutes later, I felt the bed dip beside me and his arms wrap around my waist before he planted a kiss my temple.

"I know you're not asleep. And I'm sorry I kept this from you..but I promise, everything will be okay. I love you" he said against my temple before snuggling up against me and we both fell asleep.

The next day, we returned to Accra. Since I didn't really have anything to do at home, I volunteered to help Harry pack. I decided to be a helpful and supportive girlfriend and be happy Harry bagged this opportunity instead of whining that I wouldn't see him in two months. Go meeeee💃💃👫

"The red tie or the blue one?"  I asked him.

"You choose" Harry replied looking up from his phone.

"No you choose" I insisted.

"Look, there are more important things to handle that the colour of a pair of socks" he snapped suddenly.

"Okay, sorry for having the courtesy to ask the owner" I threw the blue tie into the suitcase.

He sighed and looked up to me "Serena, I'm sorry"

I nodded "Yeah"

"I'm stressed right now that's why"

"What's wrong?"

"There's a problem with my flight details and some things so I have to go to the airport to check things out " he explained.

"Alright. I hope everything works out"  I said in an emotionless tone

He wrapped his arms around my waist "Rena, you know I didn't mean to snap at you"

I was amused "Rena huh?"

He licked his lips and winked "Yeah. You like it?"

"Yeah I do..it's sexy" I smiled even wider.

"Yeah, to match its owner" he winked.

I rolled my eyes playfully "You play too much. Don't you have somewhere to be"

"See I even forgot. Being with you makes me forget my troubles"

"Aww" I wiped a fake tear away. "That's so sweet"

"I know" he shrugged proudly causing me to punch his shoulder lightly. We both laughed and then he became serious "I meant it though. That's why I love you" he said looking directly into my eyes.

I looked away shyly while trying not to smile so hard "I love you too"

His phone vibrated in his pocket, causing him to detach his arms from my waist. "I have to go now. Lemme drop you off"

I nodded and grabbed my purse from the couch before we both walked out of his apartment. He dropped me off at my house after reminding me of out date later tonight. Luckily, I had the perfect dress in mind.

That night

We had so much fun on our date and went to a beautiful hotel room he had booked

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We had so much fun on our date and went to a beautiful hotel room he had booked. And that's when and where I felt I was ready and gave my virginity to Harry.


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