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Nhyira dragged me to the movies that Saturday because she claimed she hadn't seen me in so long. She wasn't lying though.
After buying our food and drinks, I told Nhyira to wait for me while I went to the washroom to pee before the movie started to avoid getting up and disturbing other viewers. I asked for directions from someone who worked there and hurried to use the washroom. I was in a hurry because I knew how cranky Nhyira gets after waiting for too long. In my haste, when I was done with my business,I pushed open the door and immediately stepped and bumped into somebody.

The person's promax fell down and landed right in front of my feet. I gasped and bent down to pick it "Oh my God, I'm so sorry" I apologised as I handed it to him and watched him check for any damage.

He flipped it over in his hand and looked up to me. "Don't worry, it's all good" he smiled a little. I finally paid attention to his face instead of his hands and daayuummmmm😲. This boy was fine..like really handsome. His hair was lowly cut and styled with those lines inside some and his side burns were prominent leading to his nicely shaped beard. His facial hair was well kept and I honestly admired that. He looked about my age.

I broke out of my little trance and processed what he said. I heaved a sigh of relief.
"Thank God. I'm sorry for running into you..I was in a hurry and I wasn't really looking" I explained to him.

He just smiled "No problem. You're very beautiful"

"What?" I thought I heard wrong.

"I said you're very beautiful" he repeated.

"Thank you" And you're very bold

"Are you here with someone?" He asked me, leaning on the wall nearby.

"Yeah..my friend..whom I have to get back to right now. I have to go. Bye" I rattled and turned to leave.

"Can I at least have your number. Sorry, I'm Cyril by the way" he said after me.

I turned around quickly and smiled "If we see each other again. Serena"

I quickly found my way back to a pissed Nhyira.

"What took you so long. The movie has already started" she hissed at me.

"Sorry sorry I ran into someone and almost broke his promax" I explained.

She gasped "You are so lucky you didn't"

"God's grace oo charle." I replied.

"Okay let's go..you are lucky I waited for you" she said.

"That's why I love you" I kissed her cheek lightly.

She handed my food over to me and used her free hand to wipe the spot where I pecked her. "Ewwwwww!" She squealed.

I laughed and followed her inside the theatre.

"But he didn't deserve to die" Nhyira wiped her eyes as she spoke about the killing of the protagonist in the movie we just finished watching. She was crying like a widow tbh...this girl is so emotional even though she acts tough.

"It's okay, it was just a movie" I consoled her. We were in the parking lot of the mall and were walking to her car. I announced I would be driving since she was in no position to drive. I waited till she calmed down a bit before I revived the engine. I did the necessary mirror checks and adjusted my seat before putting the car in reverse.

Suddenly, a black Camry sped out behind me making me slam the brakes hard to avoid hitting it. My heart wanted to jump out of its cage at this point. I couldn't help myself and pressed the car's horn angrily. The black Camry also stopped and the owner stepped out with his hands in the air. I watched him through the side mirror and saw that he looked similar, yet somehow different.

"That looks like the guy that stalled me earlier" I whispered to Nhyira before stepping out of the car.

"Sorry love, my bad" he apologised with his hands still raised up.

Just then, the passenger door opened to reveal a copy of him.

"So...we meet again" Cyril smirked

"Oh gosh, there's two of you?" I asked him.

"Two hot twins hohmagawsh" Nhyira, who somehow came to stand behind me whispered in my ear.

Cyril's twin was only a little fairer than him and had a diamond ring in his left ear. The two had making Rolex watches and their whole appearance screamed dbee boys.

"Yeah. Serena, this is my younger brother, Cecil" Cyril introduced.

"His twin brother" Cecil corrected with an eye roll.

"Nice to meet you both. This is my friend, Nhyira" I introduced them and Nhyira waved.

"Anyways we'll leave now" I informed them as I shielded my face from the sun's scorching rays.

"What about the number? Remember your condition?" He smirked while walking to me. He stood a few metres away from me with his hands in his pocket. He seemed like a nice guy..I mean he does have manners.

"Text me on instagram, hope for a reply..and let's see where we'll go from that" I told him my instagram handle and waved at them before taking Nhyira's hand and us getting in the car.

Looking through the side mirror, I saw Cyril shake his head in amusement, a smile forming on his lips before he said something to Cecil and they both hopped in their car and sped off out of the mall.

Once the way was clear, I manoeuvred out of the parking spot and left the mall.

"I've never seen twins as nice as them in real life" Nhyira gossiped.

"Oh so you're over your movie crush dying huh?" I was amused at her sudden change of mood.

She shrugged "like you said, it's just a movie. This is real life babyyyyy" she clapped excitedly.

"Cyril seems interested in you" Nhyira teased while nudging me with her elbow.

"Stop that I'm driving" I replied as I turned at my junction. "Too bad for him..I've got a man" I stated.

"So if you reply his text..get his brother's number for me" Nhyira told me excitedly causing me to laugh out loud. I should have known.

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