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My phone chimed and I reached over to grab it from the bed.
Harry👀: Hey..you ready yet?

I got up quickly,drew the curtains to one side and looked out of the window to see Harry's black Chevrolet packed  in front of the house. It was a Saturday and were going to see a movie.
I groaned in annoyance and went back to searching for my bracelet that had fallen and gone under my bed.

I finally succeeded in retrieving it from under the bed after struggling for a little while. After putting the bracelet on, I quickly laced my sneakers and then the doorbell chimed. Ei I left him on read. I remembered.

I grabbed my phone and shot him a quick text saying I was almost done. The reason why I wasn't ready yet was because I had changed my shirt twice already; not knowing which one to pick. I finally settled on a brown top and a pair of black jeans. I wore my natural hair in a pony and did my edges(😂@drhule), before admiring myself in the mirror briefly and taking a couple of snaps posted them.

 I wore my natural hair in a pony and did my edges(😂@drhule), before admiring myself in the mirror briefly and taking a couple of snaps posted them

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Yaba🌷: 😭😍my booo looking goodddd

Adjubi🌸: ayyy bra Harry will be happy oo😂😂

Nhyira🎀: ayy that's my girlllll💥💫

Riley😚: aah it runs in the fam😏😏

I laughed at their comments and made my way out of the room after grabbing my bag and turning off the fan. Harry was waiting downstairs in the hall watching football when I got there. I coughed a little to grab his attention.

"Hey you."

"Hello to you too" he smiled and got up to hug me.

"You smell nice" I laughed.

"And you look nice" he licked his lips slowly.

"Stop doing thatttt" I whined, slapping his shoulder playfully.

He rubbed his shoulder like it hurt."Doing whatttt"

"You're always looking at me like that and liking your lips"I complained.

"Ah is it my fault that you're so beautiful?" He smiled at me.

I smiled a little. "Let's just gooooo" I grabbed his hand and dragged him out. He followed behind me laughing at how red my cheeks were becoming. I called Joy to lock up and then we left. We walked hand in hand to his car and  he unlocked it and opened my door for me.

"Aww..look at you being a gentleman" I pinched his cheek as I  teased.

He swatted my hand away and scoffed in mock annoyance. "Oh pa-lease I'm always a gentleman"

"What ever you sayyy" I laughed.
He jogged over to the driver's side and got into the car. He revived the engine and we drove out of the drive way.

"You've got to teach me how to drive some day" I told him as I got comfortable in my seat.

"How much are we talking here? You know I'm pretty awesome and my services are going to cost a lo-"

"Oh shut up will you?" I laughed at his silliness. "When will you stop tooting your own horn" I rolled my eyes.

"When I stop being awesome. Which is never going to happen by the way" he stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

"You're really something else"I shook my head.

"Abi that's why you love me" he smirked.

"Woah woah hollup! Who told you that?" I laughed like that was the funniest joke I ever heard.

His smirked dropped immediately. "So you don't love me" he sniffed multiple times like he was about to cry.

I rubbed my chin like I was in deep thought. "Naaww ..I don't think so". I shrugged and put on the radio.

Harry rolled down his glass and blew the horn to get the attention of the driver beside him in the traffic jam.
"Oh my God..my girlfriend just told me she doesn't love me" he said to the driver who stared at him like he was mad.

I laughed even harder.

I reached over to roll his window back up.
"Oh my Goddd. You're so silly ...ah! of course I love you" I told him as I patted his back to stop him from 'crying'

His smile returned all of a sudden causing me to laugh again.
"Awwww". He pinched my cheek.

"Oh go away. It's only a little" I held up my hand👌 "This small"

He stopped smiling again.
"Oww nooo ...crying emoji heartbreak emoji dead emoji" he started "crying" again.

My mouth open and closed in shock. Did he just say thattt😂😂

"You never seize to amaze me" I shook my head.

"That's of the reasons why you looovvveee me. No matter how small" He leaned over and kissed my cheek so swiftly I didn't even see it coming.

"Watch the road silly!" I slapped his arm hard and bit back a smile.

P.S. they were on the road when alladat was happening (for those who'll get confused)

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