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Back to school

My mood right now? I'm feeling pretty fly right now. Me and my group mates just gave the most awesome presentation everrr! Okuuurtttt!

Ya ,all my friends are super supportive and I think things are shaping up pretty well.

On the other hand, since the day after Harry went to see his old friend 'Lisa', he's been acting weird. He's been distant and a little edgy. Honestly, I don't know if she has something to do with his mood or not. *shrugs*

Friday night.

"He still hasn't called?" Adjubi glanced up from the laptop that was lying on her laps as she sat cross legged on her bed.

"Nope..not texted back either ..but it's no big deal" I faked a smile trying to pretend everything was fine and went back to folding.

Adjubi sighed and paused the movie to give me her full attention.
"B, no it's not not a big deal and you know that. From what I know with you guys, you're constantly checking up on each other no matter what. And if he hasn't contacted you yet in 3 days..then something's definitely wrong"she told me what I already knew and feared.

"Yeah..you're right..that's kinda how our relationship works. But how are you and Joojo..he doesn't come here often anymore. I kinda of miss him..don't ever tell him that" I laughed.

Adjubi laughed along "It's our little secret. Joojo is fine ..he's been a little busy because of his course too but he'll come around soon"

"Of course"I smiled.

"Now back to your issue, call him alreadyyyy"Adjubi suggested.

"You're right ..I probably should ...but-"

Adjubi cut me off"But nothingggg. Come on you know I'm right. And your wardrobe would be arranged so many times just tonight alone. Come on go call him"

"How do you even know that?" I was amused.

"Oh please, I know you Serena, when you're upset it's either you eat sweets..specifically ice cream  or you shut yourself up or you arrange stuff, in this case your whole wardrobe " she said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I smiled at he way she noticed these little things.

"Now go!"she shooed me away.

So that's what I set out to do. I grabbed my phone and made my way to the balcony and dialled Harry's number.

His phone rang but there was no answer. What if he's busy right now?
Friday night really?
Or tired?
He would at least answer.

I decided to end the debate in my head and called the second time.

"Hello?" Harry said. Play it cool, play it cool. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"Hey!!" I shrieked. So much for being cool. *facepalm*
I coughed lightly "I mean hey. I was just checking up on you..you know since I haven't heard from you recently. How have you been? I should probably stop talking right now huh?"

Harry chuckled slightly "It's cool. I'm okay ..I've just been ..uh..uh a little busy lately. I lost track of everything"

Of me too I guess.

"Anyways how are you?" He asked.

"Oh I'm fine."

"Great." He replied some what dryly.

"Hey, is everything ok? why are you acting like this?" I asked him.

"Like what?"

"Distant..I mean this usually isn't how our conversations are-"

"Don't worry about me. How's school?" He interrupted.

" Just coping with all the project works, researches and-" I stopped when I heard someone talking in the background.

"Uh..do you have someone over?"

"Look, Serena lemme call you back later. I have something I need to take care of. I'll talk to you later. Bye" with that, he hung up.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Now that's a whole new level of weird.

"That was pretty quick. How'd it go?" Adjubi asked once I walked back into the room.

"Not too well..uh he seemed busy. He said he'd call back" I told her. And he was with somebody.

"Hey don't look so sad. Come sit by me I'm watching Jane the virgin"she patted a spot next to her on her bed.

"Oh why not" I shrugged.

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