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The next day

"Are you calm?" Harry asked through the phone.

"Are you ready to tell me the truth?" I countered.

"Still haven't stopped answering questions with a question I see" he chuckled.

"Still haven't stopped stalling I see" I faked a laugh."Look my lecturer is going to walk in any minute now so I suggest you cut to the chase"

"Okay alright. I only lied about being in busy at the hospital because I knew you wouldn't be comfortable if you knew-"

I cut him off "Why wouldn't I be comfortable? Especially if she's an old friend like you told me. What's your business with her anyways? "
I heard his door open and close briefly and someone talking in the background. After about a minute, he replied.

"Look, Serena I have to attend to a patient right now. I'll talk to you later" he hung up.

I'm really getting tired of that phrase.

I sighed and walked back to my seat in wait of my lecturer.


After our last class today, Adjubi and I were going to grab some food

After our last class today, Adjubi and I were going to grab some food

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when my phone rang. It was an unknown number and I debated whether our not to pick up.


"Is this Serena?"the person asked.

"Yes it is. Who's asking?"

"Uh..it's me Lisa"

"Umm okay?"

"You wanted to talk to me the last time you came over right?"

"Yes I did. But it's okay, I'll just ask Harry what I wanted to ask you instead"

"But the problem is if he'll tell you the truth"

"Why do you say that?"

Who's that? Adjubi mouthed when she saw the confused look on my face. She had just come back from ordering our food. I held up my index finger indicating for her to wait.

"Well he's always been a liar but he claims he's changed now" Lisa replied.

"Okay I'm confused" I told her

"If you want an explanation,meet me at my house tomorrow and don't tell Harry you're coming" she replied.

"Why not?" I was getting more and more confusion.

"Do you want the truth or not?" She asked me.

"I do"

"Then do as I say" with those words, she hung up.

Adjubi snapped her fingers to get my attention.I must have been staring into space for too long.

"What happened? Who was that? Why do you have that look on your face?" She asked all at once.

I blinked to return to reality "It was Lisa"

"Lisa who?" She asked.

I proceeded to explain everything to her.

"Jeez that's a lot" she finally commented.

"I know righttttt" I complained as I took a bit of my food.

"That just sounds shady. Don't tell Harry? Why is she his ex or something?"

I frowned "That could also be possible. They look about the same age. And he won't tell me why he was at her house instead of the office"

"Maybe he just doesn't want to talk about it.
"But why not? And why wouldn't he tell me if she was his ex?"

"Hello? Have you met you?" Adjubi rolled her eyes. "He knows you'll get all judgy. And besides no one is saying she's his ex" she shrugged.

"You know I wish he would talk to me"

"Let him be...I mean, you can't always be in he's business all the time. He needs some space" she reasoned.

"You're probably right. But what about Lisa's offer?"

"Tell her you're not interested. For all you know she's actually a crazy ex who wants to break you two apart" Adjubi advised.

I nodded"I'll tell her as soon as I can"

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