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Since I was on vacation and had nothing better to do, I decided to pay Kuukua a surprise visit. I used to babysit for her when she was too busy to watch her daughter Charlene when I was on after WASSCE break.

I paid the taxi driver who dropped me at her house and pressed the doorbell while using my hand to shield the burning sun rays. The gate opened after seconds later.

"Eeeeiiii!" She screamed pulling me into a tight hug. (You know Ghanaians!!😂) "Long time no seee. Come in come in" Kuukua told me with a huge smile.

"Oh Kuukua, I've just been a little busy with school" I explained with a laugh. She lead us into the living room and sat down.

"Eii doctor doctor" she teased.

"Oh Kuukuaaa"I whined and laughed.

"So doc, can I get you anything to drink? Some water, juice or coke?" She asked me.

I smiled"Some juice will be nice"

She nodded and went into the kitchen. I looked around and admired the cozy and tidy house. I wasn't really familiar with the house cos she normally brought Charlene over to my house. Picture frames decorated majority of the hall so I was just admiring them. There was this particular photo that caught my eye. It was a picture of a strikingly beautiful woman holding a small baby.

"Who's that?" I asked Kuukua once she returned with my glass of juice.

She handed it over to me and sat back down. "Oh that's my sister Lisa"

"Wow she's really pretty. I can see beauty runs in the family" I complimented.

She laughed lightly. "Oh why do you want to flatter me this hot afternoon"

"Oh I'm serious la"I told her.

"Yoo I've heard"

"Anyways, I wanted to stop by and say hi since it's been a while and also to see the little darling "I told her.

"I keep telling you that little girl is a devil but you just won't listen. She only behaves when you're around" she shook her head.

"No, no,I won't hear it. Now go get my angel" I shooed her.

"She's asleep but I'll go wake her up" she replied.Chuckling, she got up to get Charlene. The little girl walked sleepily into the room while in rubbing her eyes. Her eyes lit up once she saw me and she ran to hug me. I lifted her up onto my lap and began interacting with her. I ended up spending the whole day there and the little girl wouldn't let me go till I promised to visit her the next week.

The next day

It was easy to get to his office because almost everyone knew me at the hospital. I was going to surprise Harry at work today. I had brought along two packs of food in case he was hungry. Am I not just a darling😁

I paused and smiled at how nervous I was the first time I entered his office. I knocked on his door softly and waited for a response. Instead, the door flung open revealing Harry himself.

"Serena! What are you doing here?" He smiled.

"Hey doctorrrr"I smirked.

He laughed heartily. "Do I need to check your temperature?"

"Oh that won't be necessary today..I came to see you. Oh shit..wait are you busy?" I asked starting to regret coming.

"Uh not right now... I have a meeting in a few minutes but I have a few minutes to spare " he glanced at his watch.

He opened the door wider. "Come in"

He shut the door behind me and turned to face me. Motioning for me to take a seat, he walked over to his chair and sat down.

I dropped the bags down and came back standing rooted to my spot.
"Aw look at you trying to surprise me with a cute lunch" he teased.

"Yeah yeah don't feel too happy. I was hungry myself" I shrugged.

"Won't you have a seat?" He pointed to the chair opposite him at the other side of the desk and I just smirked.

I felt daring. I walked over slowly to him. He watched me curiously as I sat at the edge of his desk so I was right in front of him. My thighs were a little exposed because of the length of the skirt and he stared at them with a smile for a small while before meeting my eyes.

"What if I feel more comfortable here?" I asked with a smirk.

Harry smiled charmingly. "Then you can sit here anytime you want" he licked his lips.
He placed his hands on the desk at both sides of me; dangerously close to my butt, I must add, and lifted himself up slowly, his eyes never leaving mine. He left  barely any space between us as he  towered over me. His warm lips connected with mine slowly and our lips moved in sync so perfectly. My eyes were closed and my hands found their way to the sides if his face, slowly caressing it. His hands left the table and slide gently up and down my waist as he deepened the kiss.

Suddenly a sharp knock sounded at the door and a few seconds later it flew open causing me to jump a little. My chin hit Harry's nose as I jumped and he groaned in pain puttinh a little distance between us.

I heard female voice behind me. I couldn't dare turn to face who it was.
"Doctor, the meet- oh I'm sorry I didn't know you had company" she apologized.

Harry still held onto his nose
"No worries Patricia, what did you want?" Harry said in a hurry.

"Uh..I was asked to inform all doctors that the meeting starts in 5 minutes" she ratted and quickly closed the door.

The second she left my hands flew to cover my mouth and I hopped off the table. "OMG Harry I'm soooo sorryyy" I apologized.

"Don't worry Serena, it's nothing ice can't fix. Do you have a mirror?" He asked. I quickly ran over to where I had dropped my bag and fished for a mirror. I gave it to him and he observed his nose.

"Oh Harry I'm so sorry. I was frightened- "

He interrupted softly "Hey hey it's not your fault. But listen,you don't have to be jumping like we're doing something wrong" he told me as he pulled me closer to himself by my waist.

I looked away and bit my lower lip shyly as I remembered the kiss we just shared.
"Alright. Now get going you have a meeting" I shooed him.

"Aw our little date couldn't happen. Do you wanna wait here whil-"

"No no I'll just get going right now" I laughed.

"Aight, lemme walk you out then milady" he suggested.

As we exited the office and made our way out of the hospital, I heard a couple of giggles from the nurses around. No doubt that nurse Patricia told them all about our business.

Done! What an unfortunate first kiss😂. I still think it was romantic tho. I have a feeling we're going to hear from Lisa soon.. she's a big character in the story. Keep reading to find out who she is. *wink*

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