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Adjubi had to drag me to go to church the next day. I was so broken. Why did God let this happen?? We were such a perfect little family. Why did mom cheat on dad?? All these were questions I didn't have answers to.

After church, I changed into a black top and a pair of denim shorts. I lay on my bed staring blankly at the ceiling. I hadn't eaten..I wasn't even hungry, and that was normal when I was upset.

A faint knock on the door caught my attention. I wasn't expecting anyone. Adjubi just left for her home so it couldn't be her..unless she left something..

"What are you doing here? I thought you were out of the country " I quizzed once I saw who it was.

"I came back yesterday. I wanted to see you guys" Mom replied.

"Well I don't want to talk to you" I began to close the door.

"Oh come on Serena..please"she blocked the door so I couldn't close it and then entered.

I crossed my arms over my chest and waited impatiently for her to say something.

"You've really decorated the place..I like it"she commented nervously.

Is this woman serious right now??
"So that's what you came here to tell me?" I rolled my eyes.

"No..I..uh..I came to explain things..I know your father tol-"

"Yeah dad told me. You cheated or him or you're cheating on him. No I'm confused, which is which?" I asked harshly.

"Serena please let me explain. I'm sorry" she pleaded.

"Sorry you got caught? You know what? Tell me about him ...about this mystery guy. You know..what he has that dad can't give you. How good he is in bed that you forgot about your family."

A stinging pain remained where her palm connected with my cheek. She slapped me!It hurt as hell, but I wasn't going to let her see that so I just bit the insides of my cheek and stared at her.

"I know you're mad but I'm still your mother!" She cried out...her face slightly red in anger.

"Just tell me what I want to know "I spat.

She slung her purse on one of the wooden chairs by my study table, took a deep breath and then started to talk.

"I met him about two years ago when I started my new job. I was in charge of the supplies to his office and stuff like that..and soon he noticed me... We..uh..we became good friends and he was genuinely there for me " I rolled my eyes.

"We began hanging out anytime I went abroad and then..uh..we..ended up sleeping together. He didn't mind that I was married" More like he didn't care .*eye roll*

"We agreed it was wrong and we never spoke of it again. But then...we..we're attracted to each other and one thing lead to another and we ended up having sex again before..before your dad caught us. But I promise I'm so so--"Her face reddened in embarrassment

"You know what? Just stop okay?"I told her.

"But you wanted to know. Serena...I'm sorry but I'm pregnant"she blurted out.

"You're..you're pregnant? And it's for him right?" My heart broke when she just nodded with her head bent.

" Is he white?" I asked her.

She looked surprised "Yes"

Made sense, she was halfco (mulato) herself.

"So all those times you were flying out of the country? One business trip after another?All the important events you whined about missing? My matriculation..Riley and I's birthday parties? All those times you went to be with him?! That was the business?" My voice cracked.

"No..no...Serena I actually went on busi--"

I interrupted"Oh please! Don't even lie anymore. You're the most selfish person I know."

"Honey come on..I'm sorry..I just want you to forgive me"she pleaded.

"You want?" I scoffed.

"I need you to forgive me"she corrected.

"You know how hard it is to stand here and watch your mother admitting she's a ho-"

"Serena! I am your mother!" She yelled.

"No mother causes this much pain to her own family..her blood. I no longer have a mother" I told her with glossy eyes.

With that she dropped near my feet and began sobbing.

"Serena nooo..please...don't say that"she said in between her sobs.

"Please leave" I said looking away.

She shot her head up in shock" What?"

"I said you should leave..right now"I repeated a little clearer this time.

"Serena stop this nonsense" she warned.

"I really have a lot of work to do and I would appreciate it if you leave...I don't want to have to drag you out" I threatened as I walked around her to sit behind my laptop.

"Please save yourself your remaining dignity and get out " I said staring at the blank screen.

From my peripheral vision, I saw her get up slowly, smoothen her dress and grab her purse.

Her sobs quieted down as she passed by me. "It takes a lot of courage to tell the truth Serena..I just did that and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I really am sorry "

And with that she left. I couldn't hold it back anymore, I broke down the second the door closed.

No mother causes this much pain.

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