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As Adjubi got dinner started, I re-stocked the fridge with bottles of water. It was a whole week after Harry's confession and some days after my parents'. They told Riley too but were yet to tell Kofi about their big secret. I had managed to push them out of my thoughts for majority of the time but those fractions of time when I was alone, the conversation keep popping into my head.

If I ever have trouble trusting people in the future, then you should understand why. I now understand why the Bible tells us to put our trust in no man. Shoulda taken that advice earlier.

My phone chimed indicating that I had an incoming text just when I closed the fridge.

Harry👀: Hey, we need to talk A.S.A.P.

I sighed and tossed the phone onto my bed.

"He wants to talk" I informed Adjubi.

"Who? Your father or Harry?" She asked.

"Harry. My dad said he's 'giving me space'"

"So are you going to listen to what he has to say?"

"I don't know. Should I?"

"You prolly should. It's been a week already, it could be the results of the paternity test you know..don't you wanna know"

"Well I do want to know, but I guess I'm scared as to what it'll mean for us. I mean if the child isn't his, I'd feel like such a fool for not believing him..."

"And if it's his?"

"Then I'll have to break things off..I mean that's the right thing to do right?"

"I probably would do the same thing if I were in your shoes"

"Yes, so you see...it's not irrational. After all I'll be doing the noble thing by letting him be with his new family and being with the mother of his child"

"From everything you've told me, he doesn't seem to want anything to do with her anymore. He even doubts he's the father"

"He's just trying not to accept the truth"

"You said he said himself that he'll accept full responsibility if the child is his, so right now, just hear him out. So text him back."

I nodded and walked over to my bed to pick up the phone.

Me: when can we meet?

Harry: I'm driving home from work right now so I'll just pass by your campus.

Me: okay

"Well, that's done. He's on his way over here" I announced.

"Okey dokey" she nodded.

About 15 minutes later

I threw a black hoodie over my pyjamas and opened the door.

"Hey" Harry greeted

"Hey. Come in" I opened the door wider so he could step in.

After I shut the door I turned around and informed him
"Let's go to the balcony. I don't want to disturb Adjubi"

He nodded and we headed to the balcony.

"How've you been" he asked me

I looked away into the night" Okay I think. You?"

"Been a little busy." He answered.

I nodded a looked away again.

He sighed "Serena, look,I'm sorry that you hate me" he took my hand gently.

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