Chapter 1: "welcome to a brand new beginning you sorry shits!"

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(A/N): just to let ya know, I know I'm shit at writing I'm just doing this for fun because I'm super bored during quarantine. But I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think! :)

There we all were, on our knees. About 10 minutes ago Abraham and Glenn were alive. Now their heads all smashed up into pieces, their lifeless body's laying on the floor. Tears and sweat streaming down your face, you were trying not to burst out crying. You turned your head to look at your dad. You could tell he was scared. You reached out your hand and grabbed his and squeezed it.

He looked at you, then your brother Carl who was next to you. You then reached out your other hand and held Carl's hand. You could tell Carl was scared but he didn't want to show it. He mouthed to you "everything will be ok" you smiled and nodded your head. Negan came towards you, your dad and Carl. He waved Lucille around in your faces with blood dripping off the bat "well looky here, who's this gorgeous creature?" He said with a smile.

Rick gave him a dirty look and looked at you. "I asked you a god damn question Rick! Who is she?" Negan shouted. "My d-daughter, (Y/N)" Rick said with his voice cracking. You let go of your dads and Carl's hand tucking your hair behind your ears. "Wow Rick, you keep on surprising me, all I knew was that you had a son a few moments ago!" Negan said as his face lit up.

Negan crouched down getting to your level, "hey Rick, can you hold Lucille for me?" Without Rick saying anything Negan placed Lucille into ricks hands. Rick looks at the bat as tears formed in his eyes. You couldn't look at Negan, more and more tears were running down your face. "Well ain't you a looker" he said as he placed his finger under your chin lifting your head up. The coldness of his leather gloves quickly grew warm on your hot sweaty face.

You could tell your dad was giving Negan a death stare. You and your dad were super close, you could tell him anything. You loved each other so much you were definitely a daddy's girl. He was very protective with you, he did everything in his power to keep you and Carl safe.

You looked back down to the floor. You saw Negans black boots covered with fresh blood. "Look at me when I'm talking doll" Negan said as he lifted your face up with his finger again. You turned to look at your dad "not your dad, you look at ME" he demanded. You looked at him straight in the eyes. "Ah there are those eyes" he whispered. You felt very uncomfortable.

You shifted your eyes back to your dad, your chin quivering. He could see you were getting anxious and you were uncomfortable. "Leave her alone" he said his voice bumping up and down. "Come on now Rick, do you really think I'm gonna hurt your precious little girl?" Negan said with a smirk.

"Just Leave her alone" is all Rick replied with. You looked down to the floor again, closing your eyes. You wanted to punch Negan, but you knew if you did someone else would die. "Wow for a lady you would think she'd have manners!" Negan said with a giggle. You looked straight up at him and said "Fuck you" as you spat in his face.

"God damn you are a feisty little thing. Looks like I'm gonna have to teach you manners!" Negan said as he wiped away your spit from his face. Negan got up and snatched Lucille out of Ricks hands pointing the bat right at your face ready to bash your head in. "Being the gentleman I am I ain't gonna kill you, but your gonna be coming with me for a little lesson on manners later." Negan said as he rested Lucille over his shoulder.

"But Rick, your coming with me now" Negan demanded. He grabbed Rick by the arm and started dragging him across the gravel. "No! Don't hurt him!" You screamed you got up and ran straight towards Negan. Before you could get there his men tackled you to the ground. Carl came running up behind you shoving Negans men off of you. Rick turned around and said "I'll be fine. I'll be back soon." Making you feel at ease.

Carl helped you up and you both walked back to the circle with everyone in. You watched Negan throw your dad into the RV and slammed the door right behind him. You looked down to your hands then your knees, to see cuts and scratches all over them. Carl held your hand and was comforting you. The sound of the RV engine revving made you flinch. Then you saw the RV drive away.

It had been a couple of hours later, daylight started to appear. You were laying on the floor asleep until you heard the RV tires move along the gravel making crunching noises. You slowly got up and sat on your knees, the RV door swung open with Negan chucking Rick out and he landed on his back. Negan dragged Rick and put him in the center of everyone.

"Well hell, that wasn't bad now was it?" Negan said. Your dad looked straight at you and Carl, a smile appeared on your face, you were happy to see him again, he smiled back at you, tears forming in his eyes.

"Hey Mr and Miss Grimes, get your asses over here for me" Negan said, his eyes staring right at you and Carl. You both slowly made your way towards Negan and your dad. "Now lil lady plop your ass right here and sit next to your daddy for me" Negan said as he held your shoulder.

"And Carl you can just stay there for a sec this won't be long"

You were happy to see your dad, as soon as you sat down next to him you gave him a massive hug, not wanting to let go.

"Alright come on break that shit up" Negan said

Negan undid one of his belts and wrapped it around Carl's arm tightly. "Hey Simon you got a marker?" Negan said as he looked at Rick with a smirk. "In fact I do!" Simon replied. Simon chucked the pen to Negan, then he slowly started to draw a line on Carl's upper arm. "No, no. Please, let it be me not him" Rick pleaded.

Negan started talking, you couldn't make out a word anyone was saying anymore, everything went all fuzzy, you couldn't see straight, you were rocking back and forth. Your vision slowly fading. You were getting really dizzy. Then suddenly you're body fell to the floor and you blacked out.

You woke up to your dad cradling you, slowly and gently stroking your head, comforting you. You opened your eyes slowly, your eyes sensitive to the light. You let out a massive gasp and your whole body started shaking. "Shhhh, it's fine I've got you, I'm here" Rick said as he held you closer to him.

"Jesus she's finally awake" Negan said. Negan stroked your cheek and got up and said "welcome to a brand new beginning you sorry shits!"

"Sleeping beauty, your coming with me for those lessons on manners" Negan said as he grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you up. "Wait" You said as Negan was dragging you away. "What is it princess?" Negan said. "Let me say goodbye to my dad and Carl." You said trying to wiggle your way out of Negans grip.

"Aight but make it quick you'll see em in a weeks time anyway." He said as he rolled his eyes. You ran straight to your dad giving him a massive hug. "I'm going to be ok. I'll see you soon" you whispered in his ear and gave him a peck on the cheek. He squeezed you back hugging you even tighter and said "I love you, you'll be back home before you know it"

Then you went to Carl giving him a big hug. "Your stronger than you think, we love you and we will get you back" Carl whispered into your ear. You hugged him even more tears rolling down your face. Then you got up and walked back over to Negan.

"See you in a week you prick" Negan said as he took your arm and started walking towards his car. He opened the door for you. You didn't get in straight away and stared at your dad and Carl until Negan forced you into the car. He slammed the door and made his way to the drivers side. He got in and without hesitation he drove away.

You didn't want to start a conversation with him. So you looked and rested your head on the window, you closed your eyes and slowly dozed off.....

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