Chapter 26: The Letter...

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It was the next day, you woke up with your feet throbbing, one foot was worse than the other but you could walk, you would just limp. Your face was bruised from where it had been scraped last night. You sat in bed for a while not wanting to get out.

"We'd thought we would let you sleep in" Frankie said as she walked in with a tray of breakfast. It was scrambled eggs and some toast with a glass of water.

"Thanks" You said as you sat up. "You know I'm able to do things right? I can't get up and walk around fine" you said as Frankie placed the tray on your lap.

"Yeah I know but I just wanna help" she said smiling at you. She pulled the door to and sat on her bed. You began eating then Frankie said "are you gonna tell me what happened last night?" She said lowering her voice.

"Tell you what? Nothing happened." You said taking a sip of water.

"Cmon, something happened. Your face all scraped up, your feet had glass wedged right up in them, and for crying out loud, when Negan walked into Eugene's room. What was that all about I'm surprised he didn't punish you. Oh and you held Lucille too" she said trying to get an answer out of you.

"Alright fine" you huffed. "To make a long story short..." you then went on to explain to Frankie what happened that night. She sat there in silence. "Wow, Negan actually did that?" She said.

"Yup, I don't wanna talk about it" you said as you were nearly finished your breakfast. "I'm worried about my brother Carl, he didn't see right I knew something was up with him. He looked ill. He even offered if Negan needed to kill someone it should be him" you said putting your tray to the side.

"I'm sure your brothers fine, he's a tough guy. He's gonna be ok." Frankie said reassuring you.

"Yeah I hope so."

Frankie took the tray off you and walked out of the bedroom. You then got out of bed, you looked in the wardrobe but all you saw were dresses. You couldn't be asked to wear a dress, you weren't one of Negan's wives. You hated the idea.

You then remembered about the spare clothes you had here, you checked under your bed to find them, you shoved them on and made your way out of the bedroom, you looked at the time to see it was around 1:00pm. "Hey, why don't you have a dress on?" One of the wives said.

"Leave her alone" Tanya shouted at them. "Well she shouldn't be in here then, she's not a wife without a dress" the other shouted back.

"Ladies calm down, what's the problem" Negan said as he walked in the room. "Ugh" you mumbled under your breath.

"(Y/N) isn't wearing a dress, only normal clothes." The wife said to Negan.

"Look, now is not the time to be snitchin on people, (Y/N) darlin would you come here please." Negan said.

"Didn't you take a hint last night? I don't want to see you, speak to you, so do me a favour before I kill you, leave me the fuck alone" you said as you were pissed off again.

"Look this is serious, you need to come with me something's happened." Negan said walking over to you.

"What something more serious than what you did last night? Huh. I don't think so" You said turning your back to him.

"Get your ass here now. Do you want me to tell you in front of these ladies? Or privately" Negan said grabbing your arm.

You didn't answer.

"Aight fine, something's happened with Carl. Your dad wants to see you and talk to you." Negan said as you got out of his grip, your face dropped. "What the hell happened to him?" You said getting angry and sad.

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