Chapter 22: Heated...

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(A/N): I'm sorry for this chapter, it's not the best but again hopefully they will get better. I'm not amazing at writing but thank you all for reading! :) Xx

You stood there you could feel yourself trembling, Negan slammed the door shut and began screaming at you. "Great here's the asshole I know and love" you thought to yourself.

"Calm down I'm not going to talk to you whilst your angry" you said calmly.


"Yes I know but please be calm for me I don't want to talk to the asshole" you said as you walked over to the sofa, before you could even sit down Negan grabbed your shoulder spinning you round aggressively.

"I want to know what the exactly what the fuck happened." He said staring into you his face bright red.

"Alright fine, it was all my fault. I came up with the plan, my dad didn't want me coming back here with you. So he hid me" you replied trying to back away from him. You knew staying calm would be the best option right now.

Negan started to scream and shout at you even more, you couldn't be asked to listen to him as he was threatening to go to Alexandria and kill people.

"Look I just wanna talk, alright. I'm sorry for what I did. I really am I just want you to calm down"

"IVE BEEN THROUGH HELL" Negan said tearing up.

"What you think I woken up everyday feeling great about myself. No I haven't everyday I woke up with guilt of all this, I couldn't cope, for fuck sake I missed you so much." You said getting angry.

"Look all I wanna say is I'm really am sorry I just don't wanna talk about it because your getting angrier and angrier, and it looks like I'm going nowhere because of all the walkers so I'm stuck here for a while" you said as you sighed.

"Your staying with me at all costs now, don't think you get to go running home back to good old daddy after what happened, your mine" Negan said pinning you against the wall.

"You're gonna pay for this, I'm glad your back but holy crap the shit I went through" Negan said whispering into your ear sending shivers across your body. You wanted to tell him about Benjamin and the trailer but you knew he wouldn't take those lightly.

"I need to clean up, I stink of rotten flesh" you said pushing Negan away from you walking to the door opening it. "Where do you think your goin?" Negan said as he slammed it shut.

"I wanna shower, so Im going to the wives room" you said getting annoyed.

"Your staying here tonight, I need to keep an eye on you myself, makin sure you don't go running back home." Negan said as you started to feel intimidated by him.

"What you really think I'm gonna go running off home? Have you seen outside? The whole place is swarmed with walkers." You said giving him attitude.

"I wasn't the one who faked their death. How do you think I'm gonna feel, I don't want to loose you again" Negan said. You could tell he was starting to get angry again but he was trying not to show it.

"Don't even bring that up in conversations as something to make me feel bad about, I know what I did was wrong alright. I just didn't think you'd react like you did, I thought I was one of your "wives" but we all know they mean jack shit to you." You said. This was a complete lie you knew the plan would tear him apart.

"I treat all of you equally, some more than others yeah. But they all mean something to me so don't you say shit like that after what you did."

"Oh sorry, after the whole plan yeah. Maybe I really wanted to do the plan like the sick twisted person I am. I just loved the attention it got me" You said sarcastically.

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