Chapter 12: Hilltop

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You slowly started to gain consciousness your eyes slowly opening. A lamp was on as it was dark outside, you saw that you were in your old bedroom in your bed. Your dad sat next to you in the chair holding your hand. He was fast asleep. You saw Michone looking out the window, Carl on the floor reading a book, and Negan stood up leaning against the wall eating some canned spaghetti hoops and his shirt was covered in your blood.

You wiggled your way to sit up, as you did you let out a little groan. Everyone then suddenly shot up and looked at you, your dad rubbing his eyes with his free hand, Carl slowly stood up, Michone turned around and Negan stopped eating and looked up to you he had a smile across his face.

"Hey let me help" your dad said as helped you sit up. He lifted your pillows up too so you could lean against them.

You looked to your shoulder, you saw dressing wrapped around it. "Great" you mumbled under your breath.

"Luckily the bullet didn't enter your bone, you can move it but it's gonna be sore, you've also got stitches so take it easy" Rick said as he moved the chair closer to the bed.

You nodded your head, Michone made her way towards you kneeling on the floor next to Rick as she touched your hand. "Hey how you feeling?" She asked as she looked worried.

"I'm a little sore but I feel fine" you said smiling at her.

"Well look at it this way dad, the Grimes have all been shot once or twice now!" You said with a giggle.

"Well look at that, you know she's fine because she's cracking jokes" Rick said as he let out a little giggle.

You sat there in bed, your stomach started rumbling. "Hey take the rest of these" Negan said as walked over to you with the can of spaghetti hoops. Negan held the can for you as you couldn't move your left arm much. You let go of your dads hand and grabbed the spoon and started eating.

Negan kneeled on the floor his other hand brushing your hair out of your face, Rick looked at him and gave him a death stare.

"You gotta problem Rick?" Negan said as he looked over to your dad.

"Why has she got stitches on her forehead? I saw them earlier but didn't say anything because of what was going on." Rick said trying to sound calm.

"Don't worry dad, it was just an incident nothing happened." You said trying to reassure him.

"Did he do it?" Rick asked calmly. But you knew he wasn't calm at all.

"No dad, just don't worry ok?" You said trying to change the subject.

"Ok alright, Negan we need to talk now" Rick demanded.

Negan laughed and said "alright then big guy, let's talk"

"Not in here" Rick said

"Alright then lead the way" Negan said as he handed the can of spaghetti hoops to Michone and kissed you on the forehead. Then Negan and your dad both walked out of the room shutting the door behind them.

Michone sat down on the chair holding out the can so you could still eat. Carl walked over to you and sat on the edge of your bed facing you.

"How do you put up with him?" Michone asked.

"I don't I just simply ignore him." You said shoving more spaghetti hoops into your mouth. You sat there finishing the last of the spaghetti hoops off. Once you were done Michone placed the can on the floor and held your hand.

"I've missed you" she said.

"Me too I've missed everyone, Dad, Carl, Judith, you. The list goes on and on" you said turning your head round to Michone. She smiled at you. You suddenly heard shouting going on between your dad and Negan.

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