Chapter 18: Home Sweet Home...

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(A/N): again I'm really sorry for the slow chapters they are going to get better more drama and what not, but please let me know what ya think! :) xx

As the gates started to open you immediately saw Rosita, her face dropped. "What the hell are you doing here?!" She said rushing to open the gates quicker.

"Is Negan here? And is my dad home or out?" You said squeezing into the small gap to get in to Alexandria quick. "No Negan isn't here, and your dad isn't either. But answer my question, why the hell are you here" Rosita said shutting the gates quickly.

"I couldn't stand the kingdom anymore I needed to get back here, since Daryl left the kingdom I've wanted to leave" you said walking to your house. Rosita following behind you.

"If Negan comes here today and sees you he's gonna flip out even more." Rosita said putting her hand on your shoulder stopping you.

"He won't find me, I know where to hide if they ever visit, and how did it go with the whole "I'm dead" plan?"

"How are you so calm? And the plan worked Negan lost his shit and ended up killing the doctor who helped Eugene. He completely broke down, he was crying. We've never seen him like this before" Rosita said.

"Shit. I didn't think that would actually happen" you said lowering your head. You started to feel even more horrible for doing this.

"Erik has Judith as Aaron is out with your dad, Carl and the rest. I'll let you know as soon as their all back" Rosita said as she walked away back to the gate. "Thanks Rosita" you said as you made your way into your house.

As soon as you walked in you said "hello? Erik, it's me" Erik poked his head round the corner and smiled at you. "Hey! What are you doing back here?" He asked. You didn't want to explain everything again so you kept it short and explained to Erik.

You made your way to the sofa and sat down, Erik walked over to you holding Judith in his arms as she was fast asleep. "Do you mind if I stay? It's just a distraction being with Judith, I just don't worry too much about Aaron" Erik said.

"Yeah it's fine, by all means please stay." You replied. "So where have they all gone?" You asked.

"Aaron didn't tell me much, he doesn't want me to worry" Erik said as he sat down next to you. "But they will more than likely be back today, wether it's dark or light outside." You nodded your head.

"I'm gonna head up and have a shower to freshen up, I don't know if my dad said this to you but, by all means if your hungry help yourself to food" you said as you stood up and walked over to the stairs.

"Thanks (Y/N)" Erik said. You smiled and then made your way upstairs, you walked into your room to see that nothing had moved, it stayed the same since you left to go to hilltop a few days ago. You went into your wardrobe and got clothes out ready for after your shower.

You pulled out some shorts and an oversized long sleeved shirt. And chucked them onto your bed.

About 20 minutes passed and you stepped out of the bathroom and headed towards your bedroom. You started to dry yourself off and got dressed and headed downstairs.

As soon as you got downstairs you saw Judith was up and playing with Erik. As soon as she saw you she waddled her way towards you and hugged your legs tightly. "Hey big girl! I've missed you!" You said as you picked her up and kissed her.

"She's really missed you, she hates it when your gone" Erick said smiling.

"Well I'm staying, I'm not going anywhere!" You said as you started to muck around with Judith. You sat down next to Erik and you two started to play with Judith.

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