(A/N): Its Not Over!

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I just wanna say thank you all so much for reading and enjoying my story! It means a lot to me that so many people have enjoyed it! So this is the end of this book as it's the end of season 8.

I'm happy to say that there will be another book based on season 9, with the threat of alpha. So I'm going to start writing the new book very soon and I'll keep you lot updated! But again thank you all so much for reading this book, and I cannot wait for you to read the second one!

It might take a while as I need to come up with new ideas and Negan has changed as a character in season 9. But yeah!

Again thank you all for your support and thank you all for reading! And see you when story 2 is out! :) xxx

Whilst your at it please check out my amazing best friends story. It's about Negan and it's set in season 10! I love it so much an I think you guys will too! banistercrumblebench so enjoy her story!

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