Chapter 30: The Battle

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It was the next day, you had woken up in Negan's bed as he wanted you to spend the night with him. Of course things escalated and you ended up sleeping together, he wanted to prove how much he loved you.

You slowly sat up putting on your bra and grabbed your underwear off of the floor putting them on. You slowly started to trust Negan, yeah he was right, you couldn't bare for anything to happen to him. You cared for him too much.

Negan made a groaning noise as he suddenly grabbed your waist and quickly dragged you towards him. You tumbled across the bed as he pulled you in for a hug and then kissed you.

"Mornin, gorgeous" he said as his eyes were squinting as he had just woken up. "Good morning" you said as you smiled and kissed him back. "What time are we heading out?" You asked as you hugged Negan.

"Around midday. So in a few hours." Negan said kissing your head.

"So get your things and meet downstairs. About 5 minutes before we leave." Negan said as he then stretched. "Oh by the way wear whatever, I don't care." Negan said as he then sat upright pulling his pants on then his trousers.

"Well you don't have much of a choice in your wardrobe, it's just the same old shirts and jeans." You said as you walked over to his wardrobe.

"Well then get creative or some shit, I dunno." Negan said as he grabbed a fresh shirt from his wardrobe putting it on.

"I gotta go and sort everything out downstairs, makin sure everyone knows what there doing." Negan said as he picked Lucille up and walked over to you.

He then turned you round and kissed you until he pulled away and walked out the door. You stared into his wardrobe at the same old plain shirts he had. You then pulled out a plain grey one and shoved it on, this one was more fitting than the others it didn't see too big and baggy.

You then grabbed the pair of ripped jeans that you wore yesterday turning up the cuffs to make it look less boring. You then tucked the shirt into the jeans pulling the shirt out a little bit.

You grabbed one of Negan's spare belts and hooped it through the loops and buckled it up. and then shoved on the black boots you wore yesterday too. And you were ready to go. You left your hair down as you couldn't be asked to tie it up.

You felt nervous about it all today, you had no idea what would go down, how your dad is gonna be, or how Negan is gonna be. You grabbed yourself a glass of water and calmed yourself down.

You needed to head to the wives room to collect a couple of things, you headed out of Negan's room to the wives room. This would be the first time you'd go there since killing Emma and Harper, and you were pretty sure they all knew about it.

As soon as you walked in thy were all getting ready to help out downstairs, they turned there heads towards you and didn't really react as they were all busy. "Hey look at you! Badass!" Frankie said as she walked over.

"Hey lucky you, getting to wear Negan's shirt and belt!" Tanya then said.

"Yeah I guess, I just need to pick up a few things." You said walking into your bedroom. "Are you leaving?" Frankie asked.

"No, Negan wants to take me to this thing, where my dad is planning on attacking all of them soo.." you replied grabbing Carl's letter and putting in your pocket.

"Well good luck then" Tanya said.

"Thanks I think I'm going to need it" you said as you then walked out and sat down on the sofa with Frankie and Tanya.

You talked about different things, how your dad how you would stop him doing all this, just to kill time as you had a few hours until you needed to leave.

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