Chapter 9: home sweet home

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As Negan bashed Lucille against the gate you looked at Carl and said "Jesus I hope dads back." You saw the gate open and Negan shouted "come on then you two get your asses out."

You both got out the truck and walked over to Negan. Negan took your hand and started to hold it. You started walking into Alexandria everyone was looking at you, you were worried that they'd judge you. You pulled your hand away but Negan's grip got tighter so you couldn't let go.

You were walking down the road Carl was to your left but just behind you, Negan's men following behind looking around, Negan still had a grip on your hand. You made your way to your house. Negan's men were scattered around Alexandria, everywhere you looked there was one of them somewhere.

Negan knocked on your door with Lucille, the door creaked open as you saw Olivia. Her face dropped as soon as she saw Negan. Negan did his classic lean and then whistled his way into the house. You and Carl both walked in, Olivia smiling at you happy to see you.

"Great, great, great, great, great! Where's rick?" Negan said excitedly.

"Uh he's out scavenging for you" Olivia said nervously

"cool. I'll wait!"

"Uh he went out pretty far, he might not be back today, we're running really low on everything. We're practically starving here" Olivia said as she was tearing up.

"Starving? You?" Negan said as he looked Olivia up and down

You and Carl stood back in awkwardness, you felt bad for Olivia she was so sweet and caring, she would do anything to help out your dad. Olivia started to cry as Negan started to poke fun of her.

"Why would you do that, your such an asshole" you said as Negan walked over to you and Carl.

"Uh ah no speaking" Negan said as he put his finger on your lips shushing you.

You backed away from him as he made his way back towards Olivia. "What's your name again?" Negan said.

"Olivia" she replied angrily.

Negan touched her arm, her whole body tensed. Negan started apologising to her about what he just said. You could see in Olivia's face she wanted Negan out, she felt threatened by him. But she wouldn't let that stop her.

You suddenly heard Negan say "and if you'd like, I think it would be enjoyable to screw your brains out" Olivia's face suddenly dropped and she then slapped Negan round the face.

You let out a little giggle as she slapped him round the face. "I am about 50% more into you now" Negan said as he got in her face. Negan turned round to you and grabbed your face and said "but you'll always be my precious prize" Olivia and Carl looked at you, Negan let go of your face.

"Olivia! Would you be a lamb and make us some lemonade?" Negan said demandingly. Olivia nodded her head and speed walked out of the house.

"Why the fuck would you do that you absolute dick?" You said as you grabbed a glass of water.

"Huh, you people don't seem to have a sense of humour round here" Negan replied as he made his way towards you.

"That wasn't funny at all you were poking fun at her for fucks sake" you said as you were about to take a sip of water.

Suddenly Negan slapped the glass out of your hand causing the glass to smash on the floor. Water and glass spilled everywhere. Negan grabbed hold of your wrist and pulled you close to him.

"Don't you dare question me on how I do things, for fuck's sake I own this place now" Negan said getting into your face, his grip on your wrist getting tighter and tighter.

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