Chapter 24: Unexpected Journey...

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"Shit" you said as you ran towards Eugene and Dwight. "EVERYONE GET UP NOW!" You screamed. You ran down the stairs and picked up a gun someone dropped.

Regina saw you "What the hell do you think you're doing?" She asked.

"Helping" you replied as you started firing at the walkers putting your pole under your armpit. People were screaming and panicking. "EVERYONE FOLLOW ME NOW!" You screamed trying to gather as many people as you were shooting the walkers.

You ran to the stairs with the crowd of people, "go upstairs your safe there" you said hurrying them along. Too many walkers were coming in, Eugene stood there and did nothing, Dwight pulled out his gun and started shooting the walkers.

"Regina we gotta go" you said pulling her towards you. You and a few other saviours made your way to the stairs. Shooting the walkers hoping there body's would stop other walkers from coming up the stairs. You ran up going straight to Dwight and Eugene.

"Let's go, come on Eugene" you said shoving him into the hallway and handing him the gun. You went back to the wives room as Negan then pulled Eugene inside his office.

As soon as you got into the wives room one of them asked "What's going on?" With a worried face.

"We're fine, walkers are now on the ground floor, were safe up here" you said trying to reassure everyone.

"Why should we even listen to you, your probably here to report back to your stupid dad about Negan's plans, your gonna backstab all of us" another wife said.

"Oh yeah I'm sorry that I didn't have a say to become one wives like the most of you in this room. And how on earth do you think I can report all this back to my dad huh? Give me a valid reason" you said as you started getting angry with this wife.

"Your doing all of this for attention, to get Negan to love you more and more than he already does. Who in there right mind would fake their death? Oh wait little Miss Grimes who's daddy doesn't even care about her" another wife said as she then started to get involved.

You felt yourself tearing up from anger, your hands gripping onto the metal pole more and more you could feel yourself shaking with anger.

You walked over to the two of the wives, holding the pole up to your side. You suddenly felt Frankie's hand touch your shoulder turning you around "there not worth it there jealous of you." She said as you faced her.

You took a deep breath and calmed down giving them both a dirty look. "If you'll excuse me, I need to talk with Negan" you said walking out of the wives room. "Yeah hoping he'll fuck You again" you heard one of the wives say.

You just simply ignored them and carried on walking down the hallway to Negan's office. You then met with Regina, Dwight and two other guys. You could tell Regina didn't like you. She knocked on door "What?" Negan said as he sounded pissed off.

"We have the stairs, but the dead ones have the lower level." Regina said as she opened the door and everyone made there way inside the office. Eugene then walked out of the office not making any eye contact with anyone.

You then walked in grabbing Negan's attention. "Hey what are you doin here!" He said excitedly.

"Yeah what are you even doing here?" Regina said. You just simply looked at her not saying a word.

"Sir, she thinks she can order people around. You should've seen her when all the walkers came flooding in. Bossing everyone around." Regina said trying to snake you out.

"Is that so?" Negan said, his tone quickly shifting. You suddenly felt anxious, you looked at Dwight to see if he could back you up, he was about to say something then Negan said "everyone take a seat"

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