Chapter 19: The Basement

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It was the next morning, you barely got any sleep last night because you felt super anxious about today. You sat in bed to listen to see if you could hear your dad, Carl or Michone. You heard muffled talking so you knew they were in.

You got out of bed and rushed to get dressed so you could see them before heading off into the basement with Judith. You ran downstairs as you saw that they were sat at the table and Carl on the sofa reading.

"Mornin, how'd you sleep?" Rick asked. "Not great but I'm ok" you replied as you walked over to the table. "You'll be fine down there with Judith don't worry. And that reminds me." Rick said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small revolver.

"Do you remember how to use it?" Your dad said as you sat down in the chair next to him. "Of course I do, Shane taught me how to hold and fire it, it's a piece of cake" you replied back taking the gun off of your dad and looking at it.

"Hey this is the exact one Shane gave me way back when all this started" You said as you looked at it closely.

"I only want you to use it if it's necessary Aight?" Rick said in a serious tone.

"Don't worry dad I will, I promise. I'm also going to take my knife down there too" You said as you put the gun safely away in your pocket.

"Grab a couple of bags, one for food and water, and one for Judith's toys, games, books etc." Rick said as he stood up from the table.

You nodded your head and grabbed the bags. "Stay alert down there too just incase anything were to happen." Michone said.

"I will don't worry, I've got it all under control" you said smiling at the both of them putting them at ease. They both walked over and hugged you tightly. "We love you, this hopefully will be quick." Rick said.

"Be safe please, and come back in one piece alive." You said jokingly as you hugged them both back. They both giggled and then walked to the door. They looked back, You signalled them to go. And then they walked out of the house getting ready for the battle.

You then shoved a bunch of Judith's things into one bag making sure the things in there would actually entertain her. You then walked over to the fridge to grab the water bottles. Then you went into the cupboards to grab some canned food.

You set the bags onto the table as you made your way upstairs to get Judith. She was awake as she reached her arms out to you as you picked her up. "You ready for a fun day with me?" You said in a baby voice as Judith laughed at you.

You walked back downstairs and grabbed the bags off of the table. And you finally went into the basement locking the door behind you. Luckily there were lanterns down there with a couple of matches. You lit all the lanterns so there would be light. There was a singular small window right by the ceiling that let in a little bit of light, you could see out into the roads of Alexandria. There were a few shelves around so if anyone came down your could hide behind them.

You found an old blanket and placed it on the floor for you and Judith to sit on. You placed Judith down carefully and then sat down with her unloading the bag with all her toys in. You grabbed a water bottle and some food for Judith's breakfast, you poured the water bottle into her little cup and opened up the canned food and started to feed her.

You weren't going to lie to yourself but all of this freaked you out, you couldn't stop thinking about if your dad Michone or Carl got hurt. And the thought kept replaying in your head. You were also worried for Negan's sake. When Dwight said he wasn't himself you felt guilt because of your plan. You tried blocking all of the thoughts to the back of your head but you just got yourself into a panic.

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