Chapter 20: "I hope you got your shittin pants on"

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It was the next day, to be honest you were excited to be going with your dad to the sanctuary. All the cars has some sort of metal roofing on them for a shield, everyone chipped in to help yesterday to prepare for the fight. You got out of bed getting dressed straight away. You grabbed the outfit you picked out yesterday, it was basically what you wore a few days ago, a pair of shorts, a baggy oversized jumper that you would tuck into your shorts and then some knee high white socks with some black boots and a cap just to hide your face a little.

Once you were dressed you went downstairs to see your dad and Carl in the kitchen talking with one another. You walked into the kitchen grabbing an apple as you took a big bite out of it making a loud crunch noise, Carl and your dad turned round to you.

"Oh sorry. Did I interrupt your conversation?" You said jokingly.

"Are you ready for later? I've just gotta get things prepared then we'll be off" Rick said smiling at you

"Yup I'm ready. And that's fine also do we have enough gas?"

"Yeah I grabbed a lot yesterday so you should be all set" Carl replied.

"Ok cool. I'm ready whenever your ready" you said as you sat down on one of the stools in the kitchen.

"I'll come and get you in a bit, your revolver is on the table, it's fully loaded just remember to bring it with you." Rick said as he walked to the front door.

"Okie" you replied and Rick walked out the house. "Hey I'm sorry you can't come" you said to Carl as he sat down next to you.

"Hey it's alright Michone's not going either so it's all good, we've got Judith to look after and Alexandria." He replied.

You've finished your apple, you got up and chucked it in the bin wiping your sticky hands on your shorts. You grabbed the revolver off the table and put your cap on as sat down on the sofa waiting to go.

It had been around 20 minutes of you waiting until your dad finally came up to the door calling for you. You got up off of the sofa and walked outside with Carl. Judith was sat outside with chalk drawing on the floor, you lent down and kissed her on the forehead making her laugh a little. "You ready?" Your dad asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be" you replied as you all made your way towards the cars. When you got by the cars Michone was down there ready to wave you all off. You immediately walked up to her giving her a big hug. "Remember stick with your dad" she said as she kissed you on the forehead.

"Yup I know don't worry" you said. Rick then made his way towards Michone and they started to kiss. You walked over to Carl hugging him. "Please be safe" Carl said. "I will trust me" you said pulling away from him.

You then followed your dad into a car with Gabriel, you got in and sat in the middle as Gabriel was driving and your dad was sitting next to the window. Everyone started up the engines and drove off, you and your dad waved to Michone and Carl as you drove away.

You had been on the road for around 10 minutes you were feeling nervous until your dad told Gabriel to stop and wait here for his signal. He then hoped out of the car and walked up the road onto a big piece of grass.

You waited for a while in the car with Gabriel, it was a little awkward as you didn't really know what to talk about with him. For about five minutes or more you then saw your dad put his hand up. Gabriel then turned on the car engine and started to drive towards rick. All the cars then went on the grass spreading out so there was enough space for everyone.

Once most of the cars were parked you and Gabriel hopped out of the car and walked over to your dad, he was with Maggie, Jesus, and Ezekiel. The last time your saw Ezekiel was when Benjamin had died.

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