Chapter 3: "look at my dirty girl!"

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It was the next morning, you had been out for the whole of the night. You woke up in Jackie's room. The sun filled the room up with light. You sat up in bed "Jackie?" You said rubbing your eyes. You looked around the room but she wasn't there.

You were about to get up out of the bed but then you heard Negan scream "where's (Y/N)?! Why isn't she in her cell?!"

You started shaking, fear swept through your body. "She's in here! I was looking after her she fainted. I couldn't just put her back into her cell" Jackie said in fear.

Negan burst opened the door and saw you in Jackie's bed. "Negan please the poor thing is scared she doesn't know what's going on right now" Jackie pleaded. "Jackie get out right now" Negan said with his face hot red. Jackie left the room and shut the door behind her. Negan had Lucille in his hands, he was gripping onto the bat tightly.

"So you like putting on a sh-" before he could finish his sentence he saw dried blood on your forehead and bruising on your arms and face. "What the fuck happened to you? Did Jackie do this?!" His face grew more and more red. "N-no" You said in fear.


Tears started filling up your eyes as the thought of Dave popped into your head again. "God dammit it ANSWER ME!" Negan screamed again. His voice vibrates through your body. You had to tell Negan you knew he could take care of the situation, but you thought he wouldn't believe you if you told him.

"Calm d-down, your scaring me" you said as more and more tears dropped down your face. Negan took a deep breath and sat next to you. "Look I'm calm now, what the fuckity fuck happened to you?" You could tell he wasn't calm at all. You just bursted out crying, Negan wrapped his arm around you and hugged you. "It- it was Dave, he tried to r-rape me" you said trying to control yourself but you couldn't.

Negan suddenly got up and grabbed Lucille, "I think Lucille's thirsty!" His face turned bright red again "I want you to come with me" Negan demanded.

You got out of bed and started following Negan. Negan pulled out his walkie-talkie and said in a calm tone "has anyone seen Dave? I need to speak to him about something." You grabbed Negan's arm and said "what are you doing?" He completely ignored you.

"Sir Dave's with me where do you want to meet him?" Someone said back on the walkie-talkie. "Ah great send him outside the back I'll meet him there" Negan stormed off, you were still following him like a sheep.

You and Negan stood outside for a while waiting for Dave, you saw the door open and saw Dave walk towards the both of you. You hid behind Negan because you were terrified of this man. Negan held your hand and put you next to his side, making sure Dave would see you. Negan wrapped his arm around you.

"Oh hey Davey hows it goin?" Negan said in a calm tone again. "Hey Negan what's up?" Dave replied seeing you all bruised up.

"I don't know Dave you tell me, why is it that (Y/N) said you tried to rape her, oh and what's with all the bruising over her body?"

"I don't know what that little sluts told you, but you know I wouldn't lay a finger on any of your lady's."

"Woah there Dave, don't talk about (Y/N) like that she's right here!"

"Sorry sir"

"Did you or did you not touch (Y/N)" Negan's voice grew louder grabbing everyone's attention who was outside. Dave said nothing and just stared at you. "Stand back darlin, things are about to get messy." Negan said with a smile across his face.

"What did I say if you told anyone? Huh you slut? I said I'll kill you" Dave said as he pulled out his gun aiming it for your head, before he could even pull the trigger Negan smashed Lucille into Dave's head causing him to fall to the floor.

Negan let out all his anger and rage. Smashing in Dave's head more and more, blood and brains flying everywhere. You turned away, you felt like you were going to be sick. It brought back memories of Abraham and Glenn.

"Look at my dirty girl!" Negan said as he waved Lucille around. "Dang I liked Dave, bit of a prick but, I liked him" "I want you to come back to my room, get cleaned up" Negan said as he placed his arm around your shoulders. "I'll get the doc to come and inspect you."

You nodded your head. "Uh ah, where those two magic words?" Negan said with sweat forming on his face. "Thank you." You said quietly. "Good girl." Negan kissed you on the forehead and you both walked back to his room.

Something changed the way you thought about Negan, you still hated his guts. But the thought that he actually cared about you. He protected you. He was angry that someone tried to hurt you. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all...

It had been a couple of hours since the whole incident. You had taken a bath in Negan's bathroom, and he laid out some clean clothes for you on the bed. Negan was out at the minute trying to find the doctor. You got out of the bath wrapping a towel around your body. You headed out to the bed to grab the clothes.

You dropped the towel sliding on your underwear, you looked at the dress Negan picked out for you. It was quite short but you thought it looked cute. As you were about to get your bra on Negan burst in with some fruit. It was too late for you to turn around, he'd already seen your breasts. You quickly grabbed the towel and covered yourself up.

"Well hello there" Negan said with a smirk, your whole face went red with embarrassment and you turned around to quickly get your bra on. "Don't be embarrassed darlin." Negan said as he walked up behind you touching your waist. You flinched and Negan backed away.

"Can I just get dressed please." You said hoping he would leave you alone. "Wow your manners are getting better and better!" He said. Negan let you carried on getting changed. You wiggled the dress up and buttoned up the buttons.

"I'm done" You said quietly. "God damn look at you!" Negan said excitedly. You walked over to the mirror running your fingers through your wet hair trying to break up all the knots. "I got you some fruit, and the docs on his way." Negan said as he looked at you. "Thank you." You said you grabbed the bowel of fruit from Negan and began eating it quickly.

"Jesus your hungry" Negan said. You looked at him and didn't say a word. Once you finished the fruit you heard a knock at the door. Negan opened it and said "hey doc thanks for coming!" "No problem, so what's up?" He said.

Negan took the doctor aside and told him what happened. You stood there in awkwardness. The last thing you wanted was your dad to know what happened yesterday.

"Come and take a seat for me please Miss Grimes." The Doctor said. You made your way over to the sofa and sat down. Negan was sat next to you and was listening carefully to what the doctor was saying.

The doctor inspected your body for any broken bones or sprained mussels. But everything seemed to be good. "Now with this cut on your head, the good news is it's not infected, but the bad news is, you need stitches." "Shit" you replied.

"What's up doll?" Negan asked. "I don't do well with needles, but it's not a big deal..." you said with your voice getting quieter. "Hey it will be ok don't worry" said the doctor reassuring you. "All I need is you to lay down and keep your hair out of your face."

You laid down, your head resting on Negan's lap. You started getting more and more nervous. Negan could see you were getting agitated and one of his hands grabbed yours holding it tightly, and the other kept your hair out of your face.

You suddenly felt safe, Negan was oddly comforting you, you started feeling calm. You closed your eyes and you felt the needle prick your skin. Negan whispered in your ear "your doing amazing" you smiled and kept your eyes closed.

A couple of minutes passed and the stitches were all in. "There we are all done. Your going to need to leave these in for about a week for your cut to fully heal." The doctor said "thanks doc" Negan said.

"No problem Negan anytime." The doctor said as he left the room. Negan started running his fingers through your hair, you opened your eyes and looked straight into his. You forgot about everything that Negan had done to your group, you got lost in his hazel eyes. You sat up you both looking into each other's eyes. Until Negan pulled you close and you started kissing him....

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