Chapter 21: Walking with the dead...

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They sat there for a while in silence, all you could hear were groans and bashing up against the trailer from the walkers. Gabriel was slumped up against the wall and Negan had his back upright against the wall, one leg down the other his foot flat on the floor and his knee in the air, Lucille resting in between Negan's legs as they were spread.

Your breathing had gone back to normal but you felt if you took normal breaths Negan would hear you, so you took light breaths that you couldn't even hear. "Your friend rick is an asshole" Negan said his voice vibrating on the wall.

"You're an asshole" Gabriel replied.

"Yeah I am, but ricks gonna get people killed."

They started to talk about Abraham and Glenn, Negan saying that it was ricks fault that they were killed. You shut your eyes hoping all this would be over as Negan and Gabriel were still talking.

"Maybe this is the reason, I'm here to take your confessions" Gabriel said. Negan scoffed at the idea and said "you gotta be shittin me"

"Listen to me, I don't have shit to confess" Negan said. "Let me ask you something, why'd you become a priest?"

You felt yourself sweating, you needed a drink of water, you had that sick feeling again. You felt your self retching but you covered your mouth, Negan started to whistle then you took deep breaths as he wouldn't be able to hear that whist he was whistling.

Negan stopped whistling as Gabriel asked him "what did you do before all this?" Negan let out a giggle and said "I helped out the weak, they needed me" he replied.

"What you helped the weak before all this?"

"Kids, you don't show em the way, well they turn out like garbage"

You still felt sick, you couldn't listen to the conversation as you were focusing on yourself. Every now and then you would feel like you were about to gag. But you could stop yourself. You shut your eyes trying to focus on the conversation but you couldn't. Negan then stood up, and suddenly a walkers hand broke down a wooden slab.

It made you jump, you bashed your head against the wall, but Negan didn't suspect a thing as the walkers were bashing on the sides of the trailer.

Gabriel and Negan carried on talking, they were talking about how Negan got this place cleaned up and everything. Gabriel then got up and stood right next to negan "Carl told us about your wives, the women pressured into marrying you"

"Every one of those lady's made a choice" Negan said as he got up and walked closer and closer to you. You grabbed your legs making you into a small ball, you slowed your breathing down again as Negan might be able to hear you.

"I'm pretty sure (Y/N) didn't make the choice to become your wife. You probably forced her into that." Gabriel said slowly backing away.

Negan's face suddenly dropped. "Don't you dare mention anything about her, you know what she meant to me more than my other wives." He said as his tone got angry.

"Was there a first?" Gabriel asked pissing Negan off more and more, this clearly was a touchy subject to Negan. Negan then raised Lucille up to his face and whispered. "Lucille give me strength." Gabriel then grabbed the gun out of Negan's back pocket and tried firing at him but Negan then shoved him away. Gabriel then quickly got up and ran into a small storage room.

Negan then walked over to the walkers hands and started bashing them up with Lucille letting all his anger out on him. "We have Lucille to help us get to the sanctuary we also have that gun" Negan said trying to get Gabriel to come out. You slowly started to slide your way across and Negan was getting even more closer to you.

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