Chapter 27: "Don't mess with the Grimes"

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It was the next morning, your head was banging, your mouth was super dry. "Ugh" you groaned as you slowly sat up. You then looked around to see you weren't in your room but Negan's room instead. You flinched and then realised you were in his bed.

You knew Negan had slept in it next to you, you saw his side all ruffled up. Your heart dropped, you couldn't remember a thing from what happened last night. You knew you didn't have your bed shirt on. "Shit, did I fucking sleep with him" you said out loud.

You then saw the door open. "Ahh Mornin sleeping beauty or should I say afternoon?" Negan said smirking at you.

"Why am I Here? What the hell happened? Did we ha-" you said your head still spinning.

"Jeez calm down, one, you're here because you wanted to talk about shit last night. 2, you were completely shit faced. And 3, no we didn't do it, you completely blacked out on me." Negan replied as he sat down on the bed.

You rubbed your eyes as they adjusted to the light. "What did I say to you?"

"You talked about the letter Carl wrote to you. And then you kept calling me a selfish prick, an asshole and many more." Negan said.

"It was a nice conversation for once, you were being truthful and shit, opening up to me. Hell you even said you forgave me."

"Ugh, What was I thinking?" You said as you quickly put on your bed shirt.

"For one, I don't even know wether I can forgive you, two, I need time to mourn my brother and three, next time I'm drunk and say I want to talk, decline straight away." You said slowly standing up.

"Are we ever gonna talk about what happened a few nights ago?" Negan asked.

"Maybe when I'm ready. But for now no."

"Look we will talk when I'm back I gotta do shit, but come to mine tonight when I'm back" Negan said.

"Didn't you just hear me?!" You said getting frustrated with him.

"It's not a question it's a order." Negan said as he walked out of the room with Lucille over his shoulder. You then got out of bed and quickly got back to the wives room. You wanted to write your dad a note. You knew you needed to work with Negan to get him and your dad not to kill one another.

You grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, and wrote,


Please don't stress about me being here, like I always say I'm fine and I've got people who I can trust and talk to. I'm going to figure out a way for you and Negan to somehow work together. It's what Carl wants and I want to honour my brother by doing that.

Love you loads,

(Y/N) xxx"

You quickly folder up the paper and went into the hallway hoping to bump into Dwight. You saw his door was open as he was just about to leave. You walked up to him quickly, startling him a little bit.

"Hey Dwight, got a sec?" You asked.

"Jesus you scared me a little." He replied

"Can you give this to my dad for me? If you're heading out." You said handing him the note.

"Yeah sure thing, I'll give it to his as soon as"

"Thanks Dwight, your a great help" you said as you hurried down the hallway back into the wives room. You looked around for Frankie and Tanya but you couldn't see them. You got changed into normal clothes again, you didn't want to wear a stupid dress.

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