Chapter 28: "We're on easy street"

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You walked over to him, he didn't look great. "Everything ok Dwight?" You asked.

"It's Negan, someone drove straight into his car and took him off the road, me and Simon then looked for him to find his car flipped over. And the other car was also flipped." He said.

"W-What? Are you sure he isn't back?" You said as worry started to grow in you.

"Yeah, if he was he would've met us where we were going" Dwight said trying not to panic you even more.

"Look it's Negan he comes out of these things alive." Dwight said trying to reassure you.

"It was my dad, I know it would've been my dad in the other car. Ugh" you said not trying to seem panicked.

"Did you give him or anyone back home my letter?" You asked.

"Yeah I shot it over to Daryl." Dwight said.

"Ok, thanks Dwight" you said as you turned around.

"What was all that screaming earlier?" Dwight asked.

"Don't worry, just two bitches that needed taken care of." You smiled at him and walked down the hallway towards the canteen bit.

"Miss Grimes!" You heard someone shout. You turned around to see it was Simon. "Uh hi Simon? What's up?" You said rolling your eyes at him. You never really liked Simon, he was a prick. You could tell he didn't want Negan to be the boss, but he wanted to be in charge.

"Well, would you like to tell me why these two lady's are all beaten up?" Simon said as the two wives stood there.

"You little snitches" You hissed at them.

"Also Negan should been dealing with this situation not you." You said to Simon.

"Woah steady there gal, I don't know wether you've heard or not but Negan isn't here, so that means I'm in charge of things round here. he might be dead. Who knows!" Simon said in his sarcastic manner.

"Look they deserved what they got Alright? Now will you excuse me" you said walking away from them.

"No! Stop right now. See your gonna have to have some sort of consequence for this." Simon said as you turned round.

"You can't do this, I don't care wether you in charge or not you can't do this. What if Negan finds out about what ever your going to do to me?" You said pissing Simon off.

"NO, He's not coming back, ladies you can go. Miss Grimes your coming with me now." Simon said as he grabbed your arm.

"Simon get the fuck off of me. You can't do this" you said pulling away from him.

Simon didn't listen to you as he dragged you down to the cells. "Simon Stop, Negan is going to flip out to hear you've done this." You said as Simon chucked you into a cell.

"NO HE WONT, NEGAN ISN'T COMING BACK, HE'S PROBABLY DEAD. SO FOR NOW IM IN CHARGE OF WHAT HAPPENS HERE." Simon screamed at you as he slammed the cell door shut.

"FUCK YOU SIMON" you screamed as you then slumped onto the floor. You couldn't see shit as it was pitch black. It reminded you the first few days when you were here. As you were put in a cell.

A couple of hours passed. "Hey you've been awfully quiet, how about we jam things up in this place?" Simon said.

"Your a dick, Negan is gonna come back here and see this shit. And you'll be in so much trouble." You said.

Simon completely ignored you again. "Well can I at least have something to drink? Something to eat?" You asked.

"Nope, you need to understand what you did was wrong." Simon said.

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