Chapter 11: "you got no, guts!"

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As you, Olivia and Carl were stood on the porch watching Spencer set it all up you went inside and grabbed the baby monitor just to keep an eye on Judith. As you walked back outside you could see somewhat of a crowd starting to form behind Spencer. Everyone was watching them play pool. Negan then lent over the table and took the first shot breaking up all the balls.

Spencer started talking about Negan's methods on how he was running shit, he said that he did and didn't agree on some of them. You weren't really paying much attention until Spencer mentions something about your dad. Suddenly you were all ears, listening to this conversation hearing what Spenser had to say about your dad.

He started talking about how Negan shouldn't trust Rick and how he just suddenly took over his mums job as soon as he arrived. You couldn't believe the shit that was coming out of his mouth. You were getting angry you looked at Carl your face getting red.

"Calm down" he said as he grabbed your shoulder. You looked at him your fists clenching into balls. You were ready to start a fight with Spenser.

Everything Spenser was saying to Negan was utter bullshit, you couldn't bare it. You stood there zoning out not listening to it anymore. You grabbed the baby monitor and just focused on Judith trying to ignore what was going on in the background. It was working you just looked at Judith sleep peacefully hugging her cuddly toy.

You heard Negan sticking up for you dad at one point, that's when you started listening to the conversation again.

"He is swallowing his hate and getting shit done. Now that takes guts." Negan said as It was his turn on the pool table. You placed the baby monitor on the small little table next to you, you were surprised Negan said all this about your dad.

Negan was slowly getting closer and closer to Spenser until you heard him say "so I gotta ask, if you wanna take over, why not just kill rick yourself and just take over?"

Spenser hesitated words stuttering out of his mouth.

"You know what I'm thinking?" Negan said to Spenser getting in his face. "It's because you got no, guts" Negan said as he plunged a big sharp knife into Spencer's lower belly. Your whole body shook, to be fair you wanted to get rid of Spenser and put him in his place but not like this.

Everyone looked around, people's faces turned white as if they've just seen a ghost. Negan's knife then cut open his belly exposing Spenser's guts, they all fell out Spenser holding onto them as he dropped on his knees. And then he collapsed onto the floor.

You felt sick seeing the sight of Spenser's guts out. Negan then shouted "you did have guts! I've never been so wrong in my whole life!" Negan then turned and looked at you, Spenser's blood on his face and t-shirt. You looked back at him in utter horror. Negan started saying a bunch of shit as he usually does after he just murdered someone.

Then You suddenly saw Rosita pull out a gun and shot straight towards Negan. The sound of the gun made everyone flinch Luckily Lucille got in the way and took the bullet.

"Shit!" Negan said looking directly at Lucille and then at Rosita. His face grew red

"What the shit?!" He said angrily as he stormed towards Rosita. Arat pinned Rosita to the ground and held a knife to her cheek.

"Shit! You just, you tried to kill me?!" Negan said as he paced back and forth waving Lucille around angrily.

"She got in the way." Rosita replied.

You turned to Carl, your face completely dropped then you turned to Olivia she stood there shaking. Negan then picked up a bullet of the floor. You didn't listen anymore you felt sick.

You turned around to face the house Negan shouting loudly at Rosita. All you picked up that it was a handmade bullet and Negan wanted to know who made it. After that you didn't listen anymore. You were trying to calm your nerves down. "Hey you good?" Carl said as he turned to you. "Uh huh, today's been fucking crazy I just need a breather" you said. Carl rubbed your shoulder and then you soon turned back around.

You then heard Negan say "Arat, kill somebody" Arat quickly turned around and shot two bullets into your direction. You suddenly saw Olivia fall to the floor. Carl suddenly got down and looked at Olivia.

"Jesus Arat one bullet would've been enough for her" Negan said as he giggled.

It took a few seconds for you to realise that you'd been shot, everyone looking in your direction there jaws dropping even more. You then looked at your shoulder to see blood running down your arm. You suddenly saw your dad holding Aaron upright.

Your dad suddenly saw you, blood all down your arm. His face was horrified. "Someone take Aaron off me quick" he yelled. "Rick! Look everybody it's rick!" Negan said as he approached him.

Rick ran straight passed Negan and headed towards you. You made your way down the stairs, you started feeling lightheaded and dizzy. Negan suddenly turned around to see that you'd been shot.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck. ARAT YOU PIECE OF SHIT" Negan screamed he was getting angry again.

Arat's mouth opened as she was shocked she shot you. "I swear I didn't mean to shoot her" she said nervously. "You bitch just you wait" Negan shouted at her.

As soon as Rick approached you, you fell into his arms, everyone started to crowd round you and your dad. "BACK OFF NOW" Negan screamed to everyone. Everyone slowly walked away spreading out everywhere.

Rick slowly sat down applying pressure onto your shoulder where you'd been shot. You laid onto the floor then Negan slowly lifted you up, your back resting on his chest, one of his arms wrapped around you stomach cuddling you and the other slightly resting on your head slowly stroking you hair. He was trying to comfort you.

"D-dad?" You said tears rolling down your face.

"I'm here sweetie don't worry, your gonna be fine" Rick said as he ripped a piece of his shirt and tied it around your shoulder. You yelped in pain. Carl came running down the stairs towards you.

"Carl stay here with your sister I'm going to get the medical supplies." Rick said his voice was all bumpy. Negan was still holding you not wanting to let go. Carl took your hand and held it.

"Am I g-gonna di-" before you could finish what you were about to say you were swaying in and out of consciousness. You heard Negan shout "RICK WERE LOOSING HER"

Negan looked down at you so much of your blood covered his t-shirt. "Come on stay with me." Negan said as he kissed you on the head. Your grip with Carl's hand became loose.

"(Y/N)?!" Carl said as tears formed into his eyes. "Kid grab your dad quickly" Negan said. Carl shot up and ran in the direction where Rick ran. You started yelping in pain again, more and more tears streaming down your face.

"I know, I know fucking piece of shit Arat. I'm gonna fucking kill her" Negan said as he slowly started to cradle you into his arms, your head resting onto his chest as you lay on his lap. You opened your eyes. Negan's face looking down at yours. "Hey, just sit tight your dads almost back" he said rubbing your cheek.

"I- I" before you could finish, you completely blacked out.

You suddenly woke up gasping for air, you started coughing then you looked to your left to see Eugene operating on you. Your dad was holding your hand and Negan was watching. You realised you weren't outside anymore but you were inside your house laying on the sofa.

"What the fuck, what the fuck" you said as you started to freak out.

"Hey hey, keep still it's almost done." Rick said as he smiled at you his other hand brushing your hair out of your face.

"I-I'm Sorry d-dad" you said your breathing becoming shallow.

"Sorry for what? You've got nothing to be sorry for." Rick said smiling squeezing your hand.

You looked up to your dad, you smiled then your eyes rolled to the back of your head. You completely blacked out again.....

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