Chapter 8: Unexpected Visit

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It had been an hour or so since you got back to the wives room. You put the dress on that Frankie picked out for you. It was a black lace with flower patterns all over it. Again the dress was short but you were getting used to the fact that there were no long dresses.

You picked up an old hairbrush that was on the bedside table, you started brushing your hair untangling the knots. You made your way into the main room. You looked around to see what you could do. But to be honest there wasn't a lot.

You found Frankie she was with two other wives, one had long blonde hair and the other had brown chest-nutty hair just passed her shoulders. You made your way over "Hey Frankie" you said in a low tone. "Oh hey (Y/N)! How you feeling?" She asked.

"Yeah I feel better." That was a complete lie.

"Well I'd like you to meet These two." She said as she made room for you on the sofa. You sat down on the sofa. "I'm Sherry" the one with brown hair said. "And this is Amber"

You looked over to Amber she didn't look too good her face looked uncomfortable and seemed like she was going to cry. "I'm (Y/N)" you said.

"We've heard all about you, your group, your dad." Sherry said.

"Look we all can tell how much you don't want to be here, trust me I don't want to be here either. I was forced Into this, but try and put on an act it's the best thing you can do." Sherry said touching your shoulder.

"Yeah thanks" you said smiling at her. "Hey Frankie can me and Amber talk privately for a sec?" Sherry said. "Yeah sure go ahead." Frankie replied.

You and Frankie got up and walked over to this big long sitting chair. You both sat down and saw Negan walk in the room. "Ladies, don't mind the kid" Negan said as he looked over to Carl. Your body shot up seeing the sight of Carl.

Negan was talking to Carl, he looked uncomfortable. He was looking around the room until he spotted you. His eyes widened as soon as he saw you. Negan called Sherry over as he wanted to talk to her "make yourself comfortable kid." Negan said to Carl.

"Shit" you whispered. "What's up?" Frankie asked. "That's my brother, what the fuck is he doing here?!" You said trying to be quiet so Negan wouldn't hear you. "Go over to him talk to him." Frankie said. "But Negan would fucking kill me" you replied. "Don't worry he's distracted with Sherry, go don't worry." Frankie said.

You got up and made your way over to Carl. "What the fuck are you doing here?!" You said quietly. "I snuck onto Negan's truck hoping to kill him" Carl replied.

"Jesus Carl, does dad know?"

"No dads been gone for a few hours, he went out with Aaron to get supplies."

"Are you out of your fucking mind?! Who's looking after Judith, I cannot believe you right now." You whisper shouted.

"Calm down, Judith's safe she's with Olivia." Carl said.

Negan walked back over to Carl. He was holding a beer in his hands, you slowly moved away. But you knew he already saw you with Carl. He placed the beer in Carl's hand and then walked over to Amber. You were dumbfounded you thought Negan would break you two up placing you In The other corner of the room, but whatever was going on with Amber and sherry had to be more important.

You walked back over to Carl seeing the beer in his hand "well look at you, your growing up fast! It felt like only yesterday you were 5." You said jokingly. Carl laughed.

"So how come your in here with his wives?" Carl asked.

"Isn't it obvious, I'm wearing a dress and I'm in here."

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