Chapter 13: The grand plan

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You were all stood out in the hallway for a while waiting for this guy. He then opened two big large doors he looked annoyed and signalled all of you to go inside his office. This guy looked about 60 something his hair white and thin. You all walked into his office spreading out.

He started to talk about the whole plan that we all had to kill Negan, but it clearly didn't work. This guy seemed a bit of a pussy, he seemed afraid of things. Everyone was getting annoyed with this dude. Jesus ended up butting in saying about how Maggie and Sasha saved his camp and he stood back not doing a single thing.

Your dad started getting even more annoyed with this guy, Maggie walked up to him and said "how many people can we spare? How many people here can fight?"

"We?" He said as he scoffed. "I don't even know how many people we have Margaret."

This was it you'd had enough of this dick, you walked over to the desk he was sat at and slammed your hands onto the table making a loud thud sound. When you did this your shoulder started to sting but you didn't care all you could focus right now was on this dick.

He flinched and then looked at you.

"First of all its Maggie and listen here you dick, the more time you spend not doing shit, the more Negan is gonna kill a bunch of innocent people. Now I don't give two shits who the fuck you are, but we need your people for fighting and we need them now if were all gonna take down Negan." You said leaning over the desk staring right into his eyes.

"Who are you anyways?" He said back to you giving you attitude.

"Oh boy, you did not just ask that." You said getting angrier at him.

"You may not know this, but I'm from the sanctuary. Negan took me away from my dad, my brother my fucking home. Luckily I got to spend the night at home with my family thanks to being shot by one of his men. So you better watch your mouth sir, I've heard some dirty little things about you. And will not hesitate to go running to Negan and tell him about all of your dirty little secrets when I'm back there, and believe me he will listen to me. And then you will get your ass killed." You said backing away from the table your face red.

You looked around the room to see everyone stare at you, your dad had a smile across his face, he was proud of you. "Well Jesus. I'll need to think this over clearly" he said rubbing his face.

"Yeah you better" as you spat on the floor and burst opened the two big doors storming out of the office. You then sat down on one of the chairs and waited for everyone to finish.

It had been around 10 minutes, you then saw everyone walk out and you stood up. "That took some balls you know" Daryl said smiling at you. "Well someone had to tell him off one way or another" you said smiling back.

"No ones ever put Gregory in his place like that. I'm pretty sure everyone's proud of you." Jesus said smiling as he walked out of the office.

Enid then walked in, Maggie then asked "what's wrong?"

"Nothing, just uhh come outside" Enid replied.

You all made your way outside to see a group of people. One woman started talking about how Enid said about how you were gonna fight the saviours and what not, and they wanted to help out. Maggie nodded her head to them and explained that something will be put into place.

You all then made your way back to the gates talking about how to defeat the saviours. How many people you would actually need.

"We need to get back, there gonna be out looking for Daryl and Negan's coming to get (Y/N) soon" Rick said.

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