Chapter 7: "Punishment"

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(A/N): just a warning smut is in this chapter right at the beginning so you have been warned.

You ran your fingers through Negan's hair. He started kissing your neck, his stubble tickling you. Negan took you off the wall, your legs still wrapped round him. He made his way to the bed and sat down.

You were sat on his lap, you were still kissing but this time more and more aggressively. You started humping against Negan's hardness. Negan grabbed your neck and slammed you down into the bed. Your back bouncing as soon as it hit the mattress. "What did I say huh? You'd bee begging for me you dirty whore" he said out of breath.

Negan's grip around your neck wasn't tight but there was definitely some force on it. He started kissing you again. You moved your hands down to your underwear. Your hand slipping into them. You started rubbing your clit then Negan grabbed your hand and pulled it out. "Here's punishment for being a little bitch earlier. No touching yourself only I'm allowed to touch you." He said looking at you out of breath. "That's not fair" you said looking up at him. He just ignored you.

Negan slid off your underwear and flung them across the room, "Well lookie here your dripping wet" Negan said as he was looking directly at your vagina. He then ripped off your shirt exposing your naked body. You laid there on the bed stark naked. He started inspecting every single inch of your body.

"Fuck me already" you said closing your eyes. "What was that you pathetic slut?" He said as he leaned over you. "I want you to fuck me."

"You dirty little bitch, beg for me tell me how much you want me" Negan said as he pressed his finger against your clit. "I want you inside me, I want to feel you." You moaned. "Good girl" Negan said as he started rubbing your clit.

Your hands squeezed the duvet and your back arched. You started moaning. Your breathing became rugged. You were on the verge of a climax, until suddenly Negan pulled away and licked his finger. "Why would you do that?" You said your breathing going back to normal.

"Punishment" he said slapping you. "Do you really want me?" Negan said unbuckling his belts. "Yes, Yes i Do." You pleaded. Negan pulled down his trousers and took off his top. The only thing left on him was his boxers. You sat up your arms wrapping around the back of his neck. You started kissing him and then you pulled him onto you.

He started to dry hump you until he finally took off his boxers and without him saying anything he was in you. You suddenly gasped as he was fully in you. You could feel the length of him in you. Your nails digging into his back causing him to moan.

He was going faster and faster, the bed banging against the wall violently. You couldn't control yourself your moans ended up to be screams. You felt your vagina tightening around his cock, your orgasm building up, sweat was all over your body, his too.

You didn't want it to end until your back arched up and you let out a big moan. Your body spasming and your breathing stopped and started again. Negan kept pushing into you harder and harder until he let out a groan and filled you up with his warm seed.

He started kissing you and squishing your boobs and then rolled off of you. You both laid there trying to get your breaths back. You laid there for a while staring at the sealing.

Negan got up put his boxers back on and chucked you your underwear and he grabbed you one of his shirts. You stood up and put them on. Then you laid back in bed hugging Negan, your head resting on his chest. He was running his fingers through your hair as you slowly drifted off.

The next morning you were still in Negan's bed, your face facing the bathroom and you felt Negan hugging you from behind. He was still asleep, you slowly moved his hand off of you and you got up and headed to the bathroom. You pulled your underwear down and was about to sit on the toilet until the bathroom door opened and Negan stood there looking at you.

"Ummm hi? Can I take a piss alone?" You asked rubbing your eyes. He just looked at you and said nothing. "Ummm ok then" you said feeling embarrassed. Negan walked over to the bath turning on the taps. You eventually went for a wee, the sound of the water filling up in the tub hid the sound of you peeing.

"Take a bath with me" Negan demanded. "Oh great he's back to his usual self" You said in your head. "I should really head back to the wives room" You said as you walked out the bathroom.

Negan grabbed your wrist and pulled you into him. Then he picked you up and shoved you in the bath. "HEY WHAT THE FUCK?" You shouted. "Oh look your wet, might as well take a bath now." He said as he looked at you with a smirk. "Asshole" you replied.

You took off your top and underwear they were soaking wet, you chucked them on the floor. Negan then proceeded to take his boxers off and he sat down and the other end of the tub. He took your legs and placed them on top of his. You felt awkward you didn't know what to do.

"Please don't go telling my dad on what happened last night." You said. "Don't you worry darlin he wouldn't care." He said. You didn't want to argue back. "I bet I was better than any guy you've slept with" Negan said as he started getting all bigheaded.

You didn't answer you just looked down into the water. There was a sudden bang at the door. "What do you want I'm busy" Negan shouted as he winked at you. A voice shouted back "Simon's back from hilltop."

"Shit alright I'll be out in 5." Negan said. "Sorry to cut this short doll" Negan said as he hopped out the bath and walked out. You found soap next to you and started washing your body then your hair. Negan came back in the bathroom, wearing what he always wears. "Once your done make your way back to the wives room." He said as he picked up Lucille and walked out.

You quickly finished washing yourself up, you hopped out and wrapped a towel around you, gathering your stuff together, you opened the door and ran back to the wives room, you opened the door to see all the wives up and they all stared at you. "Hey (Y/N)! Come with me!" Someone said. You looked around to see Frankie.

You walked over to Frankie and made your way into your bedroom. "How was it last night?" Frankie asked. "Well uh" you said "don't be embarrassed I'm guessing you had sex." "Yeah" you said quietly. Frankie smiled at you. "Here I've picked out a dress for you I'll leave you be for a while" she said. "Thanks Frankie" you replied.

You sat on your bed staring into space. "What have I done?" You thought to yourself. You definitely didn't want your dad finding out about this otherwise he'd go apeshit. You started feeling emotional you laid down and started crying. You felt annoyed and angry you couldn't believe what you'd just done.......

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