Chapter 29: "I'm gonna do what I've gotta do"

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(A/N): Again this is just a filler chapter, but the next chapter I think you know what episode it will be after reading this. But I'm not entirely proud of this chapter. But still enjoy! And thank you all for 1K reads! Xx :)

You woke up not knowing what the time was and if it was a brand new day. The music wasn't playing. You then jumped to see the wives body's still there. You forgot about them. The blood on the floor was still wet it hadn't dried yet.

Your hair was crispy from all the blood that had dried in it. Your arms, legs and face still had the blood on them but it was all dried. "another day in the shit hole" you mumbled to yourself.

You felt dizzy and lightheaded, as you hadn't had anything to drink for the past 24 hours. You still felt weak. You felt low after what happened before you went to sleep. You tried not to think about it too much. You sat there hoping and thinking this is all a dream.

Your lips were cracked your mouth dry. You wanted this living hell to end. You heard movement your whole body flinched. You knew it wasn't the wives as you stabbed them in the head, so you knew someone was moving around outside.

"H-hello?" You tried to shout but your voice was croaky.

"Oh hello Miss Grimes. So you are up then." Simon said back.

"Fucks sake" you said under your breath.

"I was just coming to check if you were up! So it sounds like you are. I'm gonna be gone for a few hours, got shit to do." Simon said.

"Let me out now." You demanded.

"No can do. See you soon Miss Grimes." Simon said as you heard him walk away.

You heard a static noise again. "Fuck me, not the fucking song again." You said burying your face into your hands.

"♪ ♪ We're on easy street
And it feels so sweet
'Cause the world is 'bout a treat
When you're on easy street ♪ ♪"

"UGGGHHH" You screamed.

You sat there covering your ears praying all the music would stop, you couldn't bare it. You were rocking yourself side to side trying to comfort you as your anxiety was through the roof.

It had been 30 minutes of the song replaying over and over again, until suddenly it just stopped. "Hello? Is there someone in a cell?" A voice called out.


"(Y/N)? Is that you?!" The voice became panicked.


The door suddenly unlocked and swung open, your eyes slowly adjusted to the light and you could see it was Frankie and Tanya.

"Oh my god, what the hell happened?!" Tanya said staring at you covered in blood.

"We came down to get Harper and Emma, because they didn't come back last night." Frankie said as her face was in utter shock.

"There in the corner, I had to kill them or they would end up killing me, they beat the shit out of me." You said as you started to get up.

"Hey hey, take it easy, have you had anything to eat or drink?" Tanya said not wanting to step foot in the cell.

"No, Simon is a dick, he wouldn't give me food or a drink and he sent these bitches in here to attack me." You said as you stumbled passed them.

"Where are you going?" Frankie asked.

"To find that son of a bitch." You replied.

You then stumbled out into the hallway you didn't care about your dizziness anymore you wanted to find Simon and kill him.

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