Chapter 5: "Till next time prick!"

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The back gate started to open, your heart beating faster and faster. You stood next to the truck you're hands shaking. As the gate opened all the way you saw Spenser who opened the back gate then Eugene and Rosita. Rosita looked at you smiling happy to see you. Eugenes eyes went straight to your breasts, nothing new to be honest.

"Um, who are you?" Spenser said, you've never liked Spencer he's always been a bit of a dick towards your family.

"Oh you better be jokin! Negan, Lucille. I know I had to make a pretty strong first impression." Negan replied.

You suddenly saw your dad walking down to the gates he gave Negan a dirty look. You couldn't stop smiling tears formed in your eyes, you tried holding them back but you couldn't help it. Rick looked at you he was absolutely gobsmacked seeing you in the dress you were wearing.

Rick was happy to see you, a smile across his face, you could tell he was trying not to cry too. He opened the gate "Hey darlin come over here" Negan said holding is arm out to you. You walked over to Negan wrapping his arm around you. You and your dad let out a little laugh as you got closer to each other.

You tugged Negan's arm off you and you ran straight to your dad giving him a massive hug, you just completely burst out crying. "I've missed you" you said sobbing into his shoulder. "I know sweetie I know" he said stroking your head. Negan suddenly grabbed you and ripped you away from Rick. "God dammit what did I fucking say. Follow my rules." He said angrily.

"Sorry" You said bowing your head. "Good girl" Negan said as he kissed you on the head. Rick suddenly saw your bruising on your face and arms. "What did you do to her?" Rick said raising his voice. "Oh yeah, sh-" before Negan could say anymore you interrupted "No don't worry I'm fine, I just simply fell out of bed it's no biggie"

Rick definitely knew something was up. "Did he do this to you?" Rick said his fists clenching. "No I did fucking not Rick! Do you think I would beat a woman. Because if you do how dare you." Negan said getting in Ricks face. Rick backed away and said nothing. "Let's just say I took care of the matter" Negan said as he headed inside holding your hand.

It had been about 10 minutes into you being in Alexandria people looking at you. "Where's Maggie?" You said looking at your dad. "Oh yeah where's that widow? I'd love to see her!" Negan butted in. "Do you care to pay your respects?" You turned around to see father Gabriel. You looked at your dad confused.

You loved Maggie you and her were super close as soon as you met her on Hershel's farm you two instantly clicked.

"Maggie died?" You said tearing up. "Ah come on doll it's ok" Negan said pulling you into his chest. You couldn't believe it, you didn't even get to say much to Maggie at all before you were snatched away by Negan. You all walked to her grave.

Negan said a bunch of shit, you weren't listening all you could think about was Maggie. You looked at father Gabriel he mouthed "don't worry she's fine" you looked confused you didn't know what on earth was going on. Suddenly you all heard a gunshot and Negan stormed passed Rick.

You found yourself walking into your house to Carl holding a gun up to one of Negan's men "Carl put the gun down now" Rick said. Carl turned around to see you and Negan. He suddenly lowers the gun and goes straight to you hugging you. You hugged him back "What the hell happened to you?" Carl said with concern. "Jesus (Y/N) when you gonna start learn'n?" Negan said grabbing you away from Carl.

"What you bring me to my home, expecting me not to hug my own dad and brother? What the actual fuck is wrong with you?" You said aggressively shoving him away. "Now you listen to me young lady." Negan said grabbing your wrist and pulling you up close to him.

"We had this fucking conversation before and I'm not repeating myself. Do you under stand?" You were silent "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Negan screamed in your face. "Y-yes" You said "Good now go outside, if you dare talk to anyone, well hell your gonna pay for that later." Negan said as he signalled to one of his men to take you outside and keep an eye on you.

You looked at your dad and Carl and flashed them a fake smile tears forming in your eyes. Negan's man shoved you out of the room, you walked out the front door and he pushed you down the stairs. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" You said struggling to get up. He didn't say anything and stood there staring at you.

So many minutes passed until Negan walked out with Carl and Rick. "Oh before we get movin one thing I need to ask you princess" Negan said making his way down to you. Rick and Carl followed behind him.

Negan held your hand and cupped your face. "I want you to become on of my wives" he said slowly moving his thumb side to side on your cheek. "W-What, one of your wives?" You said, it's like Negan has brainwashed you, your legs turned into jelly you were all smitten around him. Just the touch of his hand on your cheek made you all tingly.

Rick and Carl both looked angry. You turned to look at them but Negan turned your head back round to him. "Be one of my wives, we'll talk about it more on the way back" you didn't say anything you felt uncomfortable having this conversation in front of your dad and Carl. "Ahh look at that Rick, your little baby girls all smitten around me."

"Cmon let's go back home" Negan said as he lent in for a kiss trying to piss your dad and Carl off. You backed away from him. "Owh I love a gal who's hard to get." He said biting his bottom lip. He wrapped his arm around you and you walked to the gates.

"Till next time prick" Negan said to your dad giving him the middle finger. You turned your head to look at your dad and Carl. Rick mouthed "I love you" "I love you too" you mouthed back. And a single tear ran down your cheek.

Negan opened the truck door for you and you jumped in. You saw your dad and Carl stood at the gate. "I'm a tough girl don't worry." You mouthed to them. They both giggled and your dad blew you a kiss. Negan saw all of this, he hopped into the truck giving you a kiss on the cheek and placed his hand onto your thigh again.

Dwight got into the drivers side and started up the engine. He honked the horn, Negan holding his middle finger up again, and you drove away.

It had been about 5 minutes into the journey back to the sanctuary. You experienced so many emotions in that day, you were physically and mentally exhausted. "So will you take up my offer and become one of my wives?" Negan said slowly moving his hand up your thigh. You let out a little moan but covered it with you clearing your throat.

"What do you mean by "wives" I'm assuming you have more than one?" You said turning your head towards Negan. "Yeah, why don't you come and meet em when we get back." Negan said as his hand slowly pulling at your thong.

"I don't understand you, you get all shitty and moody with me the second we step foot in Alexandria, and then when we're heading back to the sanctuary everything's hunky dory with you. Your all sweet and nice to me what's that all about?" You said pulling his hand away from your underwear.

"It's to make me look all big and bad in front of your dad, I show him I'm the alpha here, I've got his precious little girl." He said smirking. "Your sick" You said facing forward. Negan let out a little chuckle and cupped his hand over your vagina. Again you let out a little moan but you managed to cover it.

Negan lent in close and whispered in your ear "soon your gonna be beggin for me darlin, you'll want me, you'll beg for me like a little bitch." Goosebumps appeared all over your body. He pulled his hand away and giggled at you. "Dwighty boy, we nearly there?" Negan said.

Dwight clearly heard everything Negan said to you and looked uncomfortable. "Uh yeah we're almost there sir" he replied. "Good" Negan said. The rest of the ride back you felt all clustered, your body was buzzing you needed to chill, but you couldn't stop thinking of Negan cupping your vagina.

You closed your eyes wanting to forget about it, you slowly were dozing off your head resting on Negan's shoulder. Until your finally dozed off.....

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