Chapter 10: "pass the rolls"

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(A/N): just to let you know, for any Americans who are reading this. A buggy is a stroller, that's just what we brits call a stroller :)

You had been outside for a good solid hour. Everything was nice it was all chill. Negan got up and said.

"Aight Carl come with me I'm going to teach you something, (Y/N) you stay with that angel and get the kitchen clear for me" Carl got up out of the chair and walked inside with Negan. You slowly got up carrying Judith, you walked inside and placed Judith on the kitchen counter.

You put away all the clean plates, bowls and cups and got a wet cloth and wiped down the kitchen sides. Everything was clean so you picked up Judith and grabbed a book. You sat down on the sofa Judith on your lap, you opened the book and started reading to her.

It had been about 20 minutes since Negan and Carl went upstairs, you had already finished the book you were reading to Judith, so you found some toys around and started playing with her. She was enjoying every minute of it. Her face has a constant smile on it.

You suddenly heard the stairs creek, you turned round to see Negan and Carl's feet on the stairs. You carried on playing with Judith and you said.

"I cleared the kitchen, I wiped down the sides t-" before you could finish you turned round to see Negan. His face was clean shaven. You didn't know wether you liked it or not.

"What ya think?" Negan said smiling.

"Yeah it's nice..." you replied trying to sound convincing enough.

You turned back round to continue playing with Judith, "who's hungry then? Because I know for damn sure I am!" Negan said stomping his foot excitedly.

Negan walked over to the cupboards, he pulled out three saucepans, placing them on the cooker, then he looked around in the other cupboards he found some spaghetti. "Let's hope you've got some tomatoes garlic and herbs!" Negan said as he looked into the fridge. "Well bingo look at that!" Negan said as he pulled out a couple of tomatoes and garlic.

"Uh there's herbs over there" Carl said quietly.

"Thanks kid" Negan said as he grabbed the herbs from the jar.

You wanted to get out of the house, seeing as it was a nice day out, you thought you and Judith could go for a little walk about Alexandria. You picked up Judith and walked over to grab her buggy.

"Where do you think your going?" Negan asked.

"I'm going for a little walk with Judith, I want to get out for a while." You said. You didn't care what Negan would say, you'd go out anyway.

"Aight fine but be back for dinner." Negan said

"I will, I won't be too long I just wanna spend time with Judith" you replied.

You unfolded the buggy and placed Judith in, strapping her in and making sure she wouldn't be able to fall out. You handed Judith her cuddly toy and you walked out the front door. You carried the buggy down the stairs and then started walking down the road.

Negan's men saw you but didn't question you. As you were walking down the road people on there porches were looking at you. You tried not to think about it too much but you could feel them staring into you.

You walked past houses, everything was quiet and peaceful. You walked passed a couple of people, they would walk up to you and talk for a little bit. Everyone seemed to want to talk to you now since you've been taken by Negan. It almost felt comforting I'm a way, but then again it felt weird. Some would question you about "what is it like at Negan's camp?" And others would ask how you were and be normal human beings to check up on you.

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