Chapter 2: "welcome to your new home!"

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(A/N): this chapter has use of sexual assault and harassment and mild use of rape. So skip that part if you wouldn't like to read it. I'll mark it down for you! enjoy! :)

You woke up startled to the sound of Negan shouting to his men. Your whole body jumped, you looked out the car window to see a big building, heavily protected with a bunch of gunmen everywhere. Negan opened the car door and said "ah shit on it, your awake now. Thought I'd get to carry you inside!"

You gave him a death stare and said nothing. Negan held his hand out so you could hold it as you stepped out the car. But you completely ignored it and walked straight passed him. He giggled as he swung Lucille over his shoulder and started walking up to a truck. "Let's get this sack of balls out then" Negan said as he banged on the back of the truck.

You stood there in silence with your arms folded, not knowing what to do. Two of Negans men opened the back of the truck up. You looked over to see them drag Daryl out and chucked him on the floor. His body making a loud thumping sound as he hit the ground.

"Daryl!" You said as you ran over to him with concern. He looked at you as you gave him a hug. "NO! NO CONTACT WITH DARLY AT ALL" Negan screamed. You looked up at Negan and gave him a look. Something about Negan screaming gave you chills all over your body. You knew what this feeling was, but you blocked that thought right out of your head.

Negan grabbed you by the arm and picked you up. Your knees clicked as soon as he dragged you up. "Your under my power, you belong to me, you listen and obey my rules, you got it?" Negan said with his face right up in yours.

You nodded your head looking into his eyes. "Good, your leaning!" He said as he backed away from you.

"Take Daryl away and put him in a cell." Negan demanded to his men. They dragged Daryl across the floor and shoved him inside.

"Now Miss Grimes time for me to show you where your staying!" Negan said with a smile. He went to grab your hand but you shoved him away. "You are not to be messed with. Are you?!" Negan said as he gave you a flirty smile. You looked at him in disgust.

You were walking down the hallway until you finally reached a room, Negan unlocked the door and opened it. You could see one large tidy room, with a TV, sofa, and a kitchen section. You turned to your left to see a king size bed, and a big bathroom. "Welcome to your new home!" Negan said as he placed his hand on your shoulder.

You walked in the room looking around and started touching things. You weren't shocked because you had all this back at Alexandria. You sat on the bed and laid down, your head sinking into the fluffy pillow.

"Now don't get too comfy, we're sharing that bed" Negan said as he leaned on the arch of the door. "Wait what" you said in confusion. Negan laughed "Wait you didn't really think I was gonna give you a room like this away to you?"

You were confused. "See doll, this is my room. And I'm giving you the honour to share it with me!"

"Go to hell" you said with your face getting all screwed up and your fists clenching. Negan shut the door and walked over to you, getting right in your face. "Don't think you can talk to me like that little lady, where's your mother at to give you manners?"

You started getting angry, you looked down. "Nuh uh, look at me when your being spoken to." Negan said as he lifted your head up. "So where's Mummy Grimes?" Negan said.

You looked him in the eye and said "she died a few years ago." "Ah shit I'm sorry, did the old flesh munchers get her?" He said trying to sound sympathetic.

"N-no" you hesitated. "Well tell me, how'd she die?" Your eyes started filling up with tears. But you were fighting them back. "S-she died d-during childbirth"

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