Chapter 31: The End... Or is it?

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It had been a few days after the battle, everyone was working together, building new things, some of Negan's men decided to stay and become apart of everything, and other's decided to run away and not work with Rick.

You had been in the medical bit with Negan everyday, you would even spend the night there staying by his side as he had no one for company only Saddiq who would be checking up on his condition.

You were slumped in the chair next to Negan's bed, you had hold of his hand as you both were asleep. You felt someone gently kiss you on the forehead, you slowly opened your eyes to see your dad.

"We know your awake" Michone said to Negan.

"I never said I wasn't" Negan replied to Michone as his voice was strained.

You then sat up still having hold on Negan's hand. "Nice Of you to swing by" You said towards Rick and Michone.

"Get some rest, you've been down here 24/7" Rick said.

"No, I'm fine. I like keeping him company, I don't want him to be on his own." You smiled back at them.

"We gonna tell you some things, and we're gonna make you watch what happens." Michone said to Negan.

Negan then opened his eyes and looked straight at your dad.

"And this isn't about who you killed, this is about what you did to us and what you did to so many people." Rick then said.

"I saved people" Negan groaned as he slowly lifted himself up off the bed. Michone then grabbed his neck and held it gently.

"Michone" saddiq said as he got closer. You then looked at Michone as you panicked a little bit.

"He needs to know" she replied as she still had hold of Negan's throat.

"Carl pictured something better, all of us working together, for something bigger for all of us. Oh and you'll have a job too." Rick then said.

You sat there not wanting to get involved otherwise you knew you'd get shouted at.

"You'll get to be apart of it" Michone then said.

"We're not gonna kill you, were not gonna hurt you. You're gonna rot in a cell." Rick said

"For the rest of your life, Day after day" Michone then butted in.

You sat there as you felt Negan's grip get tighter around your hand.

"W-What, you cant just let him stay in a cell for the rest of his life. It's wrong, he can change the Negan I know will end up showing." You said as you couldn't sit there and listen anymore.

"Maybe we can get to see that Negan, but we can't trust him, after everything he's done." Michone said back.

"You've got to give him a chance dad come on." You said trying to convince him.

"It's not happening (Y/N), end of discussion." Rick then said as him and Michone walked out of the room. You then looked at Negan as he laid there staring up at the ceiling.

"You Alright?" You asked. He looked at you and smiled as he couldn't really talk that much. You kissed his hand. "I'm gonna go grab some food for us, and I'll bring Judith down since dad and Michone are going out" you said as you got up and kissed him.

Life seemed somewhat normal now, things were obviously different but it was a good different, people finally working together and not fighting or arguing anymore. But how long would that last......

Time jump about one year later...
Everything was amazing, life was better and more peaceful, Maggie had her baby and called it Hershel after her dad. Gregory was killed as he attacked Maggie.

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