Chapter 6: Meet the wives

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You woke up to Negan slowly lifting you out of the truck and carrying you bridal style. "You do like your sleep" Negan said looking down at you with a grin. "Yeah I was exhausted" you said wanting to be put down. Negan carefully put you down, slowly getting your balance as your feet touched the floor.

"So how about that offer on being my wife?" Negan said. To be fair you've just woken up you weren't thinking about that shit. But you definitely knew you didn't want to be his wife. "Uh no, I don't want to be your wife. I'm sure you've got plenty" you said giving him attitude.

"Well shit, your gonna be my wife one way or another." He said getting closer to you. You backed away "No, no I won't. I don't want to be apart of your wives club thank you." You said turning your back to him.

Negan grabbed your arm and twisted you round, you lost your balance and fell into him, your arms gripping onto his leather jacket to stop you from falling. You were getting angry and frustrated.

"I never wanted to be here in the first place, you take me away from my home, my dad and my siblings. Oh and not to mention you murdered my fucking friends right I front of all of us. So I'll pass on becoming your wife you psychopath" you said as you got back up.

"Well shit, you never fucking learn do you?" Negan said his face screwing up. You could tell he was getting angry at you. "No I guess I never learn do I?" You said back pissing him off even more. Negan slowly started walking towards you.

He looked like he was about to kill you. You were backing up until you hit the side of the truck. You looked around to see if anyone was near, but everyone went inside going back to their jobs. Negan pinned you up against the truck holding your arms down.

"You start listening to me now, or I will kill your dad and brother right in front of your fucking eyes. And I won't hesitate at all." Negan said shouting in your face. "DO YOU HEAR ME?" He screamed. You nodded your head trying not to look scared.

"Good, if you step out of line again I will kill them" he said letting go of your arms. He walked away from you and grabbed Lucille from the truck. "Follow me NOW" he demanded. You trailed behind Negan, you walked inside and down the long hallway, until Negan reached a door.

He opened the door and said "hello ladies, this is (Y/N) make her feel welcome and shit" you looked around the room to see women in short dresses. "What did I say you dick, I'm not becoming one of your sad pathetic wives."

"Frankie come here now" Negan said in a calm voice. You turned round to see a woman with middle length red hair. "Take her for me, go through the rules and make sure she fucking listens."

"Yes Negan" Frankie replied. "See look at that, now that's a woman with manners" Negan said staring down at you. Then Negan walked out the room and slammed the door behind him.

"Let me guess you pissed him off?" Frankie said with a smile trying to make you feel welcome. "Yeah just a bit" you replied back.

You looked around the room everyone was staring at you. "Ignore them their not worth any of your time." She said whispering into your ear. "Come on let's go to the bedrooms so we can talk privately" she said with a smile across her face.

You walked to the back of the room through a open arch, there were 5 rooms with two beds. "You'll be sharing with me" she said as she walked into the bedroom. "Your pretty young, we've all heard rumours about your group, and Negan taking the leaders daughter which I assume is you?" She said sitting down on the bed.

"Yeah that's me I guess." You said. "If you don't mind me asking but how old are you?" She said hesitantly. "I'm 20, my parents had me when they were young." You replied.

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