Chapter 16: Change of plan...

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You and Benjamin had been sat outside for a few hours, just sitting and chatting about all sorts of different things. It was actually nice to not talk about the same old things, it was nice to have a normal conversation for once. You were slowly starting to like Benjamin you could relate to a lot of things with him, it was really nice.

"We better pack up and wash up, it's going to get late soon" you said as you got up and picked up your jacket swinging it over your shoulder.

"Yeah suppose we should." Benjamin said as he then got up. He looked bummed about your little picnic finishing. You looked over to him as he picked up the lasagna dish and the two spoons.

"Hey do you happen to know the time?" You said walking over to him.

"Uh yeah hang on a sec" Benjamin said as he pulled out a watch from his pocket. It was broken but it was still functional. "It's 5:00pm" Benjamin said.

"Do you wanna come back to mine for a while and chill?" You asked as you felt bad for Benjamin.

His face lit up "yeah sure!" He replied. You both then made it back to your house you opened the door you both walked in then you suddenly realised about the paper you wrote and drew the plan on then you chucked your jacket on top of it hoping Benjamin didn't see it. "Hey uh the sinks just in there you start washing up and I'll get a board game out for the both of us to play." You said trying to hurry Benjamin into the kitchen so you could hide the paper with the plans on it.

"Ok, ok" Benjamin said as he placed the dish into the sink and began filling it up with water. You ran back into the living room grabbing the paper and you shoved it into your bomber jacket. You then ran upstairs and chucked the bomber jacket onto your bed.

You didn't really want Benjamin staying for long because you needed time to prepare and get ready. You ran back downstairs and grabbed a board game, you laid it all out on the table making sure everything was in its place, you were so out of breath running around and panicking.

You then walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of blueberries for you and Benjamin to snack on. You placed them onto the table and sat down waiting for Benjamin to finish washing up. He finally finished washing up and made his way towards the table and sat down.

About half and hour passed, you two weren't really playing the board game but you were both mucking about with each other, you were both poking fun of one another until there was a knock at the door, you walked to the door all goofy and opened it whilst you were laughing, it took you a couple of seconds to realise it was Ezekiel. You suddenly pulled a straight face, you went red and said "uh hi, how can I help?"

Ezekiel looked at you as he laughed, "I was just wondering where Benjamin was I need to borrow him for a second."

"Yeah no problem he's here." You said as you turned around. Benjamin walked over to the door with the dish and the two spoons. "This will be quick and I'll leave you two alone" Ezekiel said as he walked inside and shut the door behind him.

You went upstairs giving the both of them privacy as to what they were talking about. You overheard Ezekiel say something about that they don't have enough supplies for the saviours when they come tomorrow. But then you immediately stopped listening.

It had been a couple of minutes until you heard Ezekiel get up and walked towards the door. You then walked downstairs and saw Ezekiel open the door, "thank you (Y/N) I shall be on my way" as he walked out and shut the door behind him. Benjamin looked uncomfortable.

"Hey everything ok?" You asked. "Yeah everything's cool don't worry about it" he replied back. "So are we gonna actually play this board game or not?" Benjamin said smirking.

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