Chapter 23: "Gut up"

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"Eugene why can't you tell me what the hell's going on?" You said walking behind him. "It's not for me to say" he replied.

You then found yourself walking back up to Negan's office, you didn't want to walk in if everyone was in there again. Eugene knocked on the door as you heard Negan's voice shout "yeah come in"

Eugene opened the door, you looked in to see Negan, Dwight and Simon sat down and Greg and Regina getting up from the table. "Ahh here she is!" Negan said his arms in the air.

"Thanks Eugene you can leave now" Negan said smiling at him. You walked in the room as Greg and Regina started to leave, you looked at Dwight and flashed him a quick smile. He smiled and nodded at you.

"So you wanted to see me?" You said standing there thinking wether you should sit down or not.

"I've got something for all of us to do, Ive already explained to these two about it" Negan said smirking at you.

"Sit" He said pointing at a chair. You then pulled the chair out that was next to him and sat down.

"So here's a plan to not waist any bullets on the flesh munchers outside. You, me, Simon and Dwight all gut up and get rid of as many of those fuckers down there, we will stay on the platform and use our knives and shit" Negan said as he held Lucille gently touching the barbed wire.

"What? You want me to help you go down there. What's the point of gutting up then if we're on a platform?" You said as you were just processing what he'd said.

"Were gutting up because just incase one of us gets pulled in with them" Simon said trying to sound like a smart ass.

"And I want you with me because your a bad ass fighter." Negan said enthusiastically.

"Everyone knows the plan, (Y/N) I've left some clean clothes for you on your bed back in the wives room, get changed and don't tell anyone about it. Meet outside my room in half and hour" Negan said as you all stood up.

"So Wait I don't get a say in this, wether I like it or not?" You said as you were getting annoyed.

"Darlin don't stress, you've got this" Negan said psyching you up. You just rolled your eyes and headed to the door with Simon and Dwight.

"Uh ah, Missy your forgetting something." Negan said as he pointed to his lips as he pouted at you. You let out a silent huff as you walked over and kissed him on the lips.

You then walked back over to the door walking out almost immediately. You saw Dwight down the hallway and shouted to him. "Hey Dwight, Wait up."

"What's up?" He asked. "So how come your helping my dad out? After what you did to Daryl?" You said lowering your tone making sure no one would hear you.

"I wanna help take down Negan too, look I'm not talking about it here right now anyone could be listening, I'll find you later and talk about it." He said whispering.

"I think it's very brave of you." You said as you smiled at him, making your way back to the wives room. As soon as you got back you headed straight into your bedroom and saw the clothes that Negan left you.

Frankie knocked on the bedroom door, "Hey you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry" you said smiling at her to reassure her.

"Alright, what's going on?"

"I can't really say, but I trust you and I know you won't tell a soul." You said whispering. Frankie's face suddenly fell with concern.

"I don't know why I have to keep this a secret but I'm helping Negan, Dwight and Simon fight off a few walkers outside" you said as you started to get undressed.

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