Chapter 25: Change of heart

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(A/N): Can I just say a massive fucking thank you to my amazing best friend for helping me with this chapter I absolutely love you and thank you for helping with this story :) xxxx banistercrumblebench

As you sat in the truck trying to hold it together you then saw Carl stand up right next to the gate. Negan's men then held up their guns and pointed directly at Carl.

"Jesus everyone hold your fire it's Carl, daddy's not home huh?" Negan said looking up to Carl. "There's family's in here, kids. My little sister." Carl said getting snappy at Negan. They were talking back and forth with each other, you couldn't stand it Carl was trying hard not to cry in front of Negan.

You then heard him say "kill me" you're heart dropped. "What did you say?" Negan said "if you have to kill someone I want you to kill me. I'm serious" Carl replied back. You knew something was up with him, he wasn't himself.

You then opened the truck window "Carl no! No one is going to die, we can talk. Negan please I don't understand why I was dragged along to this at all" You shouted so they could hear you.

"God dammit, get your head back in the truck and shut your mouth." Negan shouted at you. You looked at Carl tears appeared in your eyes. You shook your head at him. You then put your head back into the truck and rolled up the window.

Was this your punishment? Negan blowing up your home with everyone in it? You couldn't wrap your head round it you were so annoyed at him. But you tried to reassure yourself that he surely wouldn't blow up Alexandria, he knows Judith's in there, he knows other kids live there.

It had been around 5 minutes, you then heard cars pull away behind you. You looked out the mirror and saw cars drive away, you felt relieved people were safe. "You little asshole, bombs away" Negan screamed as his men aimed up into Alexandria.

"NOOOO!" You screamed but as soon as you did you saw explosions inside Alexandria. You sat there in shock, tears filling your eyes even more. Smoke started to fill the air, Negan's men then rammed a truck into the gates knocking them down. Some of his men made there way inside with Negan.

And the others hopped out of the truck. "Search the place, find Carl tie him up. DONT kill him" Negan said.

"Oh blow up every other house, I'm gonna go to ricks and make a little spaghetti, when he shows up send him my way." Negan said as he started walking off into Alexandria. You couldn't believe this, you were what, just to stay in the truck and act normal whilst your home is getting blown up?

You looked to the sides of the truck, two of Negan's men guarding it making sure you wouldn't get out. You needed to get inside and talk with Negan, you've had enough. It took around 5 or more minutes for you to come up with a plan.

You stepped out of the truck "hey what do you think your doing?" One of the guys said. You just stared at him, and quickly grabbed his gun and started shooting the both of them, they both fell to the floor, there clothes covered in blood. You dropped the gun and started to run inside, you didn't get far because of your heels, do you took them off and chucked them to the side.

As soon as you ran in, everything was on fire, all the buildings were almost cremated. You ran towards your old house as Negan would be there. The smoke was clearing, at this point you were stepping on broken glass, your bare feet started to bleed but you didn't care.

You finally saw your house you ran straight to it but then you saw your dad get chucked out the window. "SHIT" you said as you ran quickly towards your dad helping him up.

"GET OFF ME" he screamed. "It's me dad" you said as you lifted him off the floor. He looked at you and touched your face "y-your ok. Are you ok?" He asked as he was a bit shocked.

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