Chapter 17: "im not gonna stop you"

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Carol immediately grabbed dressing and pressed on the wound, but so much blood was coming out. Richard stood back and watched, tears growing into his eyes. Ezekiel stood next to you and looked down at Benjamin saying "Stay with me, I'm right here, come on stay with me"

Benjamin's breathing was getting heavier and heavier he grabbed yours and Ezekiel's hand. Benjamin looked up at you, his face more and more paler than before, he saw you crying and wiped away your tears and said "it- it's o-okay" he was wheezing at this point.

"Your going to be ok" you said trying to reassure him, more and more tears rolled down your cheek. "T-to injure and opponent, is to I-injure y-yourself" Benjamin stuttered.

"Come on Ben stay with us" you said as you saw that his breathing was slowing down. He cupped your cheek with his other hand and pulled you close to his face "I- I love y-you" he said as he kissed you on the lips, you kissed him back until you felt his hand fall from your cheek and his other went limp in your hand.

You pulled away, your eyes flooding with tears "n-no! NO" you shouted as you completely broke down, you kissed his cheek hoping he'd wake up, "n- no, Ben come on wake up" you said as everyone in the room started to cry.

"NO, NOOOO" you sobbed as you fell to the floor, Carol came running towards you and hugged you, rocking you back and forth, her hand resting on your head. You sat there for a while in Carols arms crying non stop, you were in such a state.

You saw Jerry and Ezekiel grab a bed sheet and placed it over Benjamin's body, Morgan then walked over with his knife and was about to carefully stab him in the head to stop him from turning until you said. "Wait, just wait" you got up and wiped your nose. You walked over to Benjamin's lifeless body Carol slowly followed behind you placing her hand on your back, and then you kissed him on the forehead and whimpered "I l-love you t-too" and then you slowly placed your knife in his head, you pulled it out and dropped it on the floor.

You stood there for I while staring at his body that was under the sheet, your eyes were all puffy, tears started to reappear again. Carol then turned you around and hugged you again, one hand on your back the other resting on your head again. You started to cry into Carol as she said "shhh it's ok" as she kissed your head comforting you. Everyone then stood around the room, everything was quiet "I'm sorry for coming to you, we had no choice" Ezekiel said his voice shaky as he looked at carol.

Morgan then walked out of the house leaving the door open "Morgan, Wait." Carol said, but it was too late morgan was already gone. "We're going to be off now" Ezekiel said as he made his way to the door. "(Y/N) do you wish to stay with Carol or come back with us?" Ezekiel asked you.

You pulled away from Carol and looked at her, she smiled and nodded her head at you. "Id like to spend the night here with Carol if that's alright?" You said as you sniffed up snot.

"That's fine, as you wish." Ezekiel said. "Wait, I want to get a few things from the kingdom to bring back here." You said walking over to the door.

"Sure, I will get Jerry to drop you off"

"No need I'm fine to walk here."

"Are you sure?" Ezekiel asked.

"Yes I'll be fine"

"I'll see you in a bit" Carol said as she smiled at you when you were walking out the door. You all made your way back to the truck, Jerry carrying Benjamin and slowly placing him carefully in the back of the truck. You and Ezekiel got into the truck as you both didn't want to be sat back there with Benjamin's body.

So Jerry Richard and Dianne got in the back of the truck. As soon as the truck started to pull away you placed your head on the window and stared outside. It was about 5 minute drive back to the kingdom. As soon as you pulled up and parked you hopped out of the truck and ran straight to your house.

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