Chapter 14: "It's showtime"

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(A/N): I just want to say a massive thank you to my best friend for this idea for this chapter I was stuck so she came up with this idea so thank you! Xx :) banistercrumblebench

It had been a few hours since everyone left you and Daryl in the kingdom, you had no idea what you were doing. You were on and off with crying, moments you'd be totally fine but other moments you'd break down again. You knew your dad had everything under control, he knew what he was doing. But you felt awful doing this to Negan, you couldn't bare it.

Rick had just got back with the group. He gathered everyone into the church and explained the whole plan on you being dead. Everyone understood the plan. "I'm gonna dig her a grave and put some of her belongings on it so it's convincing enough." Rick said.

"Is (Y/N) ok though?" Someone asked.

"Of course she's is. She's safe I just didn't want her with Negan anymore" Rick replied as he walked to the doors. "Remember she's dead, act sad try and cry" he said as he walked out the door.

Everyone else then got up and walked out of the church, going back to what they were doing. Rick walked over to the grave yard bit and started digging a "grave" sweat dripping off his face and hair.

"Carl, fill the rest in for me I'm going to grab some of her belongings" Rick said as he ran inside. Carl started to put all the dirt back into the hole making it look like it was a fresh grave.

Rick ran inside the house and ran up the stairs to your room, he grabbed your sunglasses and a necklace you left at home before Negan took you. Rick quickly ran back down the stairs and out the door. He suddenly heard a car pull up outside of the gates. "Shit" he mumbled under his breath.

He sprinted back towards the grave yard and carefully placed down your necklace and sunglasses on your "grave" he put a little headstone up that Carl carved into it "(Y/N) with a heart" then Rick ran towards the gate, Carl stood next to him, and a crowd formed behind them both, Michone, Tara, Rosita, Aaron, Erik and a bunch more.

Erik still had hold of Judith bopping her up and down. "It's showtime, remember act sad now" rick whispered as he turned around and looked at everyone. Everyone's faces then all had a sad expression on it. Rosita then walked over to the gate opening it letting Negan in.

"Well lookie here, I've got an audience! As much as I love an audience Rick, I only came to pick up (Y/N)" Negan said as he slowly started walking in Lucille over his shoulder.

"Come on people no need for a show get back to what you lot were doing" Negan said waving his arms.

Rick, Negan, Carl, Michone, Rosita, Tara and Aaron all walked down the road towards the house. No one said anything until Negan knew something was up.

"Jeez I show up no one bothers to fucking talk to me, what's going on round here? You dicks look sad as shit" Negan said as he stopped walking and faced everyone.

Ricks lips started to quiver as he struggled to get words out. "I- it- it's" before Rick could finish his sentence, he was crying he was trying hold the tears back but it wasn't working.

"What the fuck is he on about?" Negan asked getting frustrated.

"It's (Y/N)" Carl said his voice shaky.

"Aight stop playing with me you prick, I just wanna take her back I don't want to cause a scene" Negan said gripping onto Lucille tightly as he forced a smile out.

Michone walked over to Rick placing her hand on his back and rubbing it, "she passed away in her sleep just after you left the other night" Michone said as a couple of tears ran down her face.

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