Chapter 15: A different kind of day

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(A/N): This chapter is mainly focusing on when Negan arrives back at the sanctuary, I'm sorry if this is boring but the chapters will get better! :)

As soon as Negan got back to the sanctuary he wiped his eyes and nose, and tried to make it look like he hadn't been crying, but it was impossible, his eyes were puffy and bloodshot, his nose all bunged up, and his voice was all croaky from screaming too much.

He got out of the car and slammed the door shut, he was dragging Lucille across the floor not bothering to rest her on his shoulders. As soon as he walked into the sanctuary he screamed for Simon.


Luckily Simon was just a couple of meters away and rushed towards Negan. He saw the state Negan was in but didn't bother to ask.

"Go to Alexandria and fucking find Daryl, he's probably hiding there" Negan said

"Yes sir, I'll get a team together and leave straight away." Simon replied.

Negan then walked down the hallway and made his way towards his room, he swung open the door and slammed it behind him, he immediately went towards the whisky and started to drink it straight from the bottle. He sat down on the sofa and started crying again unable to control himself.

Then there was a sudden knock at the door, "What the fuck do you want?" Negan shouted his voice breaking. "I know what happed to Daryl and sherry" a voice replied back.

Negan got up and wiped the tears away and walked over to the door and opened it. It was Dwight holding a small little note. "What then Dwighty boy, what do you know?" Negan said as he slumped back down into the sofa taking a massive swig of the whisky.

"It's Dr. Carson, I found this note on his desk" Dwight said as he went on to explain more to Negan about what happened. He completely made all this up so he wouldn't get in more trouble with Negan.

"Fuck me another wife dead" Negan mumbled under his breath. Dwight heard this but didn't question it.

"Get the iron ready and get everyone there now." Negan said firmly. "Yes sir" Dwight replied, then he walked out of Negan's room and shut the door behind him.

"FUCK" Negan screamed as he shot right up out of the sofa slamming the whisky bottle onto the kitchen counter.

It had been about 10 minutes, Negan was completely out of it, he wasn't thinking or functioning properly, he then walked out of his room and made his way to where everyone was gathered. He walked in Lucille over his shoulder when he motioned for everyone to rise.

Negan then looked up to see Eugene with Laura, he pointed Lucille at Eugene and said "you are gonna wanna pay close attention to this" Eugene face was scared as always.

Negan then walked over to the doctor and whacked Lucille into his side. Negan then went on to explain everything Dwight said to him, doctor Carson was denying everything. Negan was getting pissed off even more.

He walked over to the furnace and picked up the heat proof glove and placed it on his hand. Negan was still trying to dig into the doctor and make him admit everything, but it still wasn't working. The doctor then said Dwight was making all of this up, but Negan stood up for Dwight.

Negan couldn't deal with this right now, he was still mourning your "death" Negan was trying to hide the fact that he was in pain but most people could sense it. Dwight then pulled the red hot iron out of the furnace, and Negan walked over and took it off of the hook.

The doctor started pleading for his life, Negan held the iron right next to his cheek "you know I hate this shit but just tell me you did it and your sorry" Negan said.

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