Chapter 4: "Little pig little pig, Let me in!"

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Negan's hand cupped your cheek, his thumb slowly moving side to side against your soft cheek. This felt wrong, but you weren't kidding yourself, you were enjoying it, you had wondered what his lips tasted like, but you were blocking all the dirty thoughts to the back of your head.

You pulled away from Negan feeling uncomfortable. You looked down into your lap "I- I can't" you said quietly. He looked at you and lifted your head up. "What do you mean you can't? I don't bite" he said as he pulled you closer again.

"No I can't, stop it." You shuffled away from him hoping he would take a hint. "Aight fine, but I know I'm gonna get into your undies soon" he said winking at you. Negan got up off the sofa and headed to the door. "I gotta go do shit but help yourself to anything in the fridge and make yourself comfortable, I'll be back soon" he said as he opened the door.

"Oh and get your beauty sleep, tomorrow's gonna be a big day!" He said leaning back with excitement. You nodded your head and forced a smile out. Negan walked out of the room, a big sigh left you. You were really missing home you just wanted your dad.

It had been a few hours, it was dark outside. You were super bored with nothing to do. You walked over to a large bookshelf, slowly inspecting every single book he had. He had a lot of graphic ones, but then you saw a classic that you loved reading. "No way, he has The Hobbit?!" You pulled it from the shelf and flipped through the pages getting a whiff of the old book smell. Every page you flipped through gave you nostalgia from your childhood.

You went to look in the fridge to see if he had any food, lucky enough he had some strawberries. You grabbed them out of the fridge and placed them to the side with the book. You made your way towards the wardrobe hoping to find some pyjamas, but it was no use just a couple of t-shirts and a few pair of trousers.

You didn't want to sleep in just your underwear or your dress, so you pulled out one of Negan's tops. You couldn't give two shits if Negan didn't want you wearing his shirt in bed after all he did say "make yourself comfortable"

You unhooked your bra pulling the straps slowly down your arms, then you chucked it on the floor. Then you put on Negan's white shirt, it was long and a little bit baggy, but it was very comfortable. You went over to the kitchen counter and picked the book and strawberries up, and then made your way to the sofa.

You didn't want to sleep in the bed because you knew Negan would be sleeping in it with you. So you grabbed two pillows off of the bed and placed them on the sofa. You grabbed a blanket and laid it down. You laid on the sofa pulling the blanket up. You left on the lamp so you could see what you were reading.

You opened the book and started reading, as you were reading through the pages you were eating the strawberries slowly. You didn't want to eat too many otherwise you'd feel sick. You placed the rest of the strawberries on the coffee table leaving you with just the book.

After soo many chapters of the book you finally felt sleepy. But you carried on reading anyway. Your eyes blinking, but the blinking soon turned into your eyes shutting completely. You fell asleep with the book resting on your chest, one arm on your stomach the other by your side.

You woke up the next morning, you rubbed your eyes and realised you weren't on the sofa anymore but you were in Negan's bed. You jumped out of bed, your body falling to the floor. You made a loud thud noise as you hit the hard wooden floor. "Jesus Christ" You said as you stood up rubbing your bum.

You saw Negan's head suddenly shoot up from the sofa. A sigh of relief left you. You were worried that you'd slept in bed with Negan. "What the shit?" Negan said his eyes squinting. You didn't say anything and just stared hoping he would fall asleep again. You looked at the clock and it read "9:25 am" You knew that Negan definitely wouldn't fall back asleep.

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