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Inside the high technological room of the Vigilante Association in the city of Catania, Italy, each member of the group was in front of their computer desk. They were searching and tracking more information about the illegal transactions of wealthy people such as politicians and other private sectors.

"Next target, Mr. Jacob Meneses. He is a local representative in the government. He has almost twenty million pesos of thievery," Ashley said.

"Alright! Track his exact address and we are going to get today all his money from thievery." Allison grinned.

"Copy." She looked at the new member and ordered, "Prepare our mission kit. Now!"

The door opened and someone loudly called, "VIGILANTE PARTNERS!"

"Yes Sir?!" Both Ashley and Allison quickly turned back and tapped their right hand on their shoulder as a sign of salute to their leader.

"Is everything alright now?" Boss Rom asked.

"Yes, Sir! We are preparing for our next target," Allison bravely answered.

"Good!" Then he went out in the high technological room.

They both deeply sighed and looked at each other. Suddenly, a cool and loud sound of laugh occupied the whole place.

They stopped when they realized that most of other members were looking at them.

Ashley raised her right eyebrow. "Happy?!"

"Sorry, Miss Ash," one of the members apologized. Then they all came back to work.

After a few hours, "Found it!" Ashley exclaimed while tapping the huge flat screen and zooming it out so everybody would be familiarized with the area.

"Block 9, lot 87, Green Street, Splash Subdivision," she added as she read the written address on the screen.

"Great! C'mon! Let's do this! Go to the operation room. Now! Faster!" Allison ordered.

Members who would come with the Vigilante Partners went to the operation room to wear their safety gear then packed up their guns and bullets.

"Is everything set?" Allison asked.

"Yes, Miss Ali!" They all answered and did their salute.

She simply made a poker face and checked for her greatest friend and partner.

"What the hell, Ashley Dalton!? Why are you only wearing your freakin' combat shoes and denim jacket?! Where's your protective gear?"

"Oh c'mon, Allison Cruz! Don't preach me! As if you are also wearing protective gear!" She harshly chuckled.

Allison rolled her eyes. "Fine! I'm just concerned, you know... Let's go! It's getting late."

She's now looking outside the van, she never thought that they would be staying here in this association two years from now. She found her greatest friend here that she loved the most.

This association became her second family. A family that has one goal. Which was to help and to give justice in their own way.

"Ali? Allison!" Ashley called while waving her hand.

She blinked a few times.

"You're spacing out. Are you okay?"

"Hell yah!" She noticed that the van stopped. "Are we here?" Then Ashley nodded.

"Okay! Like what was planned. I and Ashley will talk to the target. All of you would sneak in the back and in the side then quickly go to the rooms and get all the money and jewelries that you can get, copy?"

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