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Allison's POV

I never regret my decision to be here in jail. It felt like I was used to being here. It was like I became part of this place. For one week, Harley was always visiting me. He always kept his communication with me likewise with my parents.

I sat down in front of him as I gave a smile on my face. We were here in the visiting area of the jail where tables and chairs were scattered around the place.

"You're always here. Are you not tired doing this?" I asked as I placed my hands on the table.

He shook his head and placed the lunch box on the table. "I will never be tired of you. Besides, we don't know what will happen. Maybe this will be the last time that I will visit you here everyday." I heard the sarcasm on his chuckle.

I simply planted a bitter smile on my face. He looked at me and asked, "Are you ready for tomorrow?"

I opened the lunch box and sighed. "Yes. I need to be ready. The real justice is coming for her and for the death of Levi. I hope she will be happy now."

"We're still waiting for her. We haven't seen her since last week. We didn't have any idea where she was," he explained. 

I scooped the rice using the spoon and ate it while listening to him.

"Let her. She will be the new Allison after they gave the judgement with me as Maddison."

"But you don't deserve this!" 

"I deserved this, Harley. She hated me since we were children. This would be my consequence after she suffered because of me. Besides, I also want Levi to be in peace," I stated after I chewed the food inside my mouth.

"But you suffered a lot more than her."

"Let's just accept it, Harley. We cannot control what life will bring to us."

"If Levi is here, he will never let that happen to you," he said as he brushed his hair in frustration.

"He's gone. He will never be here again, Harley…" I wiped the small drops of tears on my face. "That's why I'm doing this for him and for my sister."

He sighed and never said a word again until the visiting time was done. 

This is my fate. This is how my life ends. I have nothing to do with it.

We both stood up on our chairs until we both walked separately. He went towards the entrance of the police station and I walked back to my prison cell.


Maddison's POV

It's been more than one week since the darkness of the room was the only thing I had in my life. The darkness that kept me from thinking too much until it felt like I was living in the nightmares.

It felt like I was a prison in my own room. No one was responding in my screams. No one was attempting to bring light.

If I only knew that Mr. Collins would do this to me, I would rather be with my family. My family who were ready to accept me anytime despite of this shit I had in my life.

I took a sip from the glass of water. For one week, they only opened the door when they would bring food for me which sometimes I did not eat. I rather die than to suffer in this kind of situation. 

I wiped the tears coming from my eyes. They never stopped from streaming down every second. 

I scrawled on the floor while my knees were trembling. I leaned my back as I reached the wall at the side of the door. I moved my knees up and placed my head between my knees. The tears in my eyes were still flowing as I catched my breath between my cries.

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